FDA approves innovative Alzheimer’s drug tested at UAB

Ready, set, go! Lace up for these 8 summer races within 2 hours of Bham

What you need to know about the American Rescue Plan + how it’s helping Alabamians with healthcare costs

These twin redheads love nursing—find out why

How to stay healthy while traveling from Birmingham this summer

Meet the determined organization caring for local seniors + find out how to get help

Fresh, Fried + Crispy is bringing 3 Birmingham restaurants to Netflix on June 9

5 ways to Celebrate Children’s of Alabama + 110 years of caring for our state’s most vulnerable

7 tips for safely biking through Birmingham this summer for all skill levels

Are dentists’ offices the new spas? Diamond Smiles says ‘yes’

Need Memorial Day plans? Check out these 14 events in Birmingham

These 6 getaways + 1 giveaway will have you and your PTO ready for summer vacation

What it’s really like to work as a nurse in Birmingham + why it’s better here than anywhere else