Affordable apartments planned in downtown Birmingham, answer to “missing middle?”

Rise of the Rest bus tour to offer a chance at $100,000 to Birmingham startups

Expert: Birmingham can be the most walkable city in the South

From 1930’s gas station, to antique store, now urban sneaker shop in renovated Avondale space

Vulcan Park and Museum accepting applications for the Junior Leadership Board

Thinking of adopting a pet from the Humane Society? CCR Architecture just paid the fee

More Birmingham drivers detouring through downtown streets, thanks to bridge work

Did old Avondale building’s cryptic letters stand for secret society?
Birmingham real estate forecast: exciting new developments, historic renovations

Black History Month in Birmingham; films, plays, music, science fair, exhibits

City Council’s proposed walk-way will connect Red Mountain, Vulcan Park to Southside

TechBirmingham new board chairman discusses bright 2018 forecast

Homewood focusing on roadwork projects