BIG win for RMHCA 🌟
👀 Have you seen those new billboards in Bham? We learned more about their inspiration + who's behind them—check it out. 👇
United Way of Central Alabama is ranked annually as one of top nonprofits in the nation because of its Loaned Executive Program. Here is a story why.
The Way Station has officially broken ground in Birmingham. Read on to learn all the details about this important project and the nonprofit behind it—AIDS Alabama.
Pathways, Inc. will be providing high quality early childhood education through new learning center starting Monday, November 1.
Birmingham Shelter wins MBCEA 2021 Building of the Year🎉🏠Find out what makes this beautiful space stand out + the incredible work happening inside!
The Alzheimer's Association is changing lives ✊ & you can be a part of it! Hear the story of a Birmingham resident and how this disease affected her life💜
"Think of someone who has maybe been told ‘no’ their whole life. And we've told them yes!" ~ United Ability
- Nonprofits, Art, Business, Civic, Education, Entertainment, Events, Fun, Guides, Images, Small Business Monday, Wellness
Even though Pride Month is over, you can still get involved with these LGBTQ+ resources and organizations through the arts, advocacy, and more.
Looking for a way to leave a legacy in Bham? Check out this new RMHCA legacy society that extends your impact for years. 😯👏
🛍️ It's the best time of the year: Shop Save & Share. 👏 Grab your card for 20% off at 230+ retailers. 🤩
Find out how Addiction Prevention Coalition has partnered with other community resources to educate youth on how to prevent both addiction and HIV via their latest initiative, Project LEAP. 👏🏻
🍴 🚗 United Way's Meals on Wheels is making history. Learn more 👇
You've probably seen the Alchemy store but do you know the inspiration behind the name? Check out how Alchemy works to transmute (hint, hint) communities in and out of the store 👟
Children's of Alabama's new helicopter is set to cruise through the skies, thanks to a generous donation from the Monday Morning Quarterback Club. 🚁