Category Business

Galleria Real Estate in High Demand

Galleria Real Estate in High Demand

The city is not the only area of Birmingham that is benefiting from the Ham’s high demand for business and residential space.  Recently the Galleria had a property sold to a new seller for an undisclosed amount, Men’s Warehouse being…

Paper and Tech Join Forces to Help Aspiring Authors

Paper and Tech Join Forces to Help Aspiring Authors

Birmingham has found its place in the United States economy as a future leader in technology and innovation. To further this mission, companies from all sectors continue to meld tech into their everyday practices. For example, Books-a-Million is integrating technology…

Yet Another “Mixed-Use” Project for Downtown

Yet Another “Mixed-Use” Project for Downtown

First Avenue North has seen a ton of action within the last few years, and it won’t be stopping anytime soon.  The renovation of 4 buildings near Morris ave. will be transformed to accommodate living and commercial usage – raising the…

Bham Now interview with Bloomberg’s Justin Fox

Bham Now interview with Bloomberg’s Justin Fox

Yesterday, Bloomberg View columnist and former Birmingham News reporter and writer Justin Fox delivered a presentation to the Rotary Club of Birmingham about the U.S. Economy and the upcoming Presidential election. This afternoon, Bham Now’s Pat Byington caught up with…