Connect with Birmingham at Cottages on Fifth. Hurry! Only one left.
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You can connect with Birmingham at Cottages on Fifth—with your neighbors, with all that’s happening in Avondale, with Birmingham and the world. But you’ll have to act fast—there’s only one more of 10 total units remaining. Check out Cottages on Fifth here.
1. Connect with your neighbors

With 10 houses arranged around a central courtyard like this, everyone gets to know your neighbors. Check out this piece on Birmingham’s original Cliff Court Cottages from almost a century ago.
2. Cottages on Fifth Connects you to 41st Street in Avondale

Cottages on Fifth is right near 41st street in Avondale. Did you know it used to be called Spring Street?
To the uninitiated, that means access to all the hip-happening things right in the heart of Avondale. Here are just a few:
Avondale Park

Once home to Miss Fancy, the elephant, Avondale Park is now home to festivals, playdates, baseball games, springs and more.
Fancy’s on Fifth

B-Metro publisher Joe O’Donnell has said this is his favorite local place to grab a meal. With burgers like this, and seafood, and more, who wouldn’t love having this place down the street?
Avondale Brewing

Avondale Brewing is that neighbor who organizes all the parties and does all the cleanup—all you have to do is show up and have a good time. With frequent concerts, benefits for local organizations and more, there’s always something happening. And if it’s a rare quiet day, there’s always good beer.
Coffee shops, restaurants, ice cream and flower markets
There’s so much going on in Avondale, we actually put together a pretty awesome guide. But we didn’t include the new Magic City Flower Market, because it wasn’t happening back when that guide was written. Wouldn’t some of those locally grown flowers look great in your new place, though?
Be sure to follow them on Instagram for updates, since they’re about to change over to Wednesdays, and they’re only open during flower growing season.
3. Connect with Forest Park—it’s literally over the hill from Cottages on Fifth

In addition to being a fun, quirky neighborhood with places to eat like Little Savannah and a soon-to-be-cafe brought to you by SHOPPE, vintage stores like Zoe’s, home store SHOPPE, Forest Park is a pretty place to walk around.
Triangle Park—one of the few Birmingham area parks with shade—is nearby, and there are lots of old, historic homes.
4. Connect with Pepper Place and Lakeview—a short ride from Cottages on Fifth
So much is happening at Pepper Place and Lakeview these days, it’s hard to keep up. Here are a few highlights:
Blueprint on 3rd

If you’re in the mood for a brasserie featuring regional food and oozing with ambiance, Blueprint on 3rd is a place you want to check out. You won’t be disappointed.
Pepper Place Market

Nothing says Summer in Alabama like a fresh, juicy peach. You can get all the fresh food, check out lots of awesome vendors, hear some good music and see a whole lot of friends at Pepper Place each Saturday morning.
In fact, the area is also Birmingham’s newest designated entertainment district. Which means there’s a lot more going on over there than just the market. You need to check it out for yourself.
Automatic Seafood and Oysters

Birmingham has a long tradition of excellent seafood restaurants. We’re close enough to the Gulf to get fresh fish pretty much daily, and fish fares prominently in the cuisine of the Greek immigrants who opened a number of restaurants in the city.
For all the people in Birmingham who’ve grown accustomed to eating fresh seafood, Automatic Seafood and Oysters takes it to a whole ‘nother delicious level.
If all this sounds just too lovely to miss, check out Cottages on Fifth here.
5. Connect with Downtown Birmingham —it’s a flat bike ride away

One thing that strikes most first-time visitors to Birmingham is just how hilly it is. Picturing the flat farmland you’ll find farther South in the state, they don’t realize we’re right in the foothills of the Appalachians.
Which means this flat bike ride to Birmingham is a rare treat—something that will be the envy of friends who commute to work over much more punishing terrain.
6. UAB is a few minutes away from Cottages on Fifth

UAB brings so much vibrancy to the Magic City—from its medical facilities to halls of learning, from sports to culture, there’s a little bit of everything—even amazing architecture!
7. Connect with Ruffner Mountain—hikes are just a quick drive from Cottages on Fifth

If you’ve been with us for a while here at Bham Now, you’ll know we’re big nature-lovers. We are so lucky to have so many amazing places in Birmingham to enjoy the great outdoors, and Ruffner Mountain Nature Preserve is one of them.
Where else can you be out in the woods and come across an old quarry, and old rock crusher, or the entrance to an old mine? Oh, and stunning views of the city, as well.
8. The Rotary Trail is just five blocks away

A lot of people in Birmingham remember when the area now known as the Rotary Trail was known simply as “The Cut.” It was an unsightly strip of abandoned land, left over from the city’s earlier railroad and mining heyday.
Now it’s a beautiful walking and riding trail that links the area over by First Avenue Rocks (Birmingham’s oldest climbing gym) with 20th Street downtown, on the way to Railroad Park. It’s a lovely place to spend some time enjoying the vibe of the once-again vibrant city.
9. Connect with the world—The Birmingham Shuttlesworth Airport is a 10-minute drive from Cottages on Fifth

The Birmingham Shuttlesworth International Airport is kind of a cool place. There’s an amazing “living wall” designed by local quilt artist Murray Johnston. There’s a sensory-inclusive room thanks to Birmingham’s own KultureCity, a company that ranked Number 4 on Fast Company’s 2019 list of most innovative companies.
Beyond that, it’s 10 minutes from Cottages on Fifth, guaranteeing less hassle for your next big trip.
If living close to everything in an adorable cottage sounds like your cup of tea, you need to check out Cottages on Fifth. Or, you can contact their sales team directly: Petra Pryor is at 205-616-5900, and Lisa Powell is at 205-907-0826.