Celebrating Albert Bierstadt’s birthday today and his breathtaking painting at the BMA

Humans vs. Machines: Football experts choose Clemson. Computers and Vegas back Bama

Urban Standard fire update

Epiphany 2017: A camel was spotted in Southside Birmingham tonight

Be prepared Birmingham. Milk (check). Bread (check).

New York Times spotlights Bham on it’s “52 Places to go in 2017”

Should HBCU Talladega College Band march in Inaugural Parade?

“Hope” is coming to Birmingham

Which Bham Antique Shop should you check out?

UAB’s Sam Hunt is Engaged

Happy Birthday Sipsey Wilderness!

Beautiful photos of New Year’s Day hike at Little River Canyon

Alabama frogs “sing in” 2017 – “….get together in wet places on warm nights and sing about sex.” (Video)