7 engaging community sports in Birmingham you should try

It’s official — Oak Mountain State Park is now 1644 acres larger

Where to find community meals in Birmingham + how to donate

Steel City Smooth Jazz Fest is back! Here’s what you need to know

Alabama’s artificial reef program is the best in the world. Here’s why that’s important.

Avondale Park’s 115 year old Historic Rose Garden returns

7 ways to get your garden ready now, including this can’t-miss Spring Plant Sale, April 8-9

Restoring nature: Stewardship is a top priority for Freshwater Land Trust

Mountain Brook local walks every street in the city—hear his unique story

3 Ways you can get started skateboarding in Birmingham now

How to plan the perfect day at Oak Mountain State Park

Key to Clean Water in Alabama? Involve the public. Here is how you can make a difference.

BREAKING: Major flash flood and hail ends with a double rainbow in Birmingham