Protect your child’s eyes and vision with these easy tips from UAB’s Dr. Frazier

The grocery store on wheels is making its way to 4 new Bham communities

Whip up something tasty with FREE cooking classes in Railroad Park

One local infectious disease specialist’s plea to mask in schools

How 7 Birmingham-area colleges & universities are preventing the spread of COVID-19

Birmingham area hospitals in need of help—open positions here

8 Birmingham-area hospitals report increase in COVID-19 patients

Back to school? This local health expert answers your important questions

City leaders urge Birmingham to get vaccinated in latest COVID update

Eat guilt free this summer with these 7 fresh salads in Bham

Stay hydrated this summer with tips from TrustCare’s Dr. Seale

5 ways to savor those final days of summer + safety tips from a local expert

Fit + frugal: 6 free exercise classes at Railroad Park happening now