Pioneer TV anchor Pam Huff shares breast cancer diagnosis, encourages yearly mammograms and prayers

Reading time: 2 minutes

Pam Huff
(ABC 33/40)

Legendary Birmingham ABC 33/40 television anchor Pam Huff shared a heartfelt video on Wednesday revealing she has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

“I have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I really do feel so blessed because my doctors caught it early and it has not spread into my lymph nodes.”

A television broadcast pioneer, Huff became Alabama’s first female ever assigned to a prime time nightly news anchor chair in 1977. She is also an EMMY Award winning journalist.

Discovering Breast Cancer

In her minute and a half post to viewers on Twitter, Huff described how  her doctors discovered the cancer, thanks to an annual mammogram.

“I do want to remind all of you of the importance of those annual mammograms. Mine was clear in 2021. The cancer that I have is considered aggressive and it developed within the last 12 months. So please don’t put off getting a mammogram. I’m in my 60s and breast cancer was not on my radar. But here we are.”

Outpouring of Love

A number of fellow local broadcasters and fans of Huff took to social media offering prayers, encouragement and support.

“And finally, I want you to know I am a woman of great faith. And I know that God has me every single step of the way. I’ve already seen that. He’s not finished with me yet. So I’m going to work through this. I’m going to come out on the other side stronger than ever. But right now, I ask for your prayers. I ask for your good wishes.”

According to Huff, she will undergo chemotherapy in August followed by a lumpectomy in January. 

Mammogram Awareness

In support of Huff’s efforts to increase mammogram awareness — below are stories Bham Now has published over the years about breast cancer and this life-saving screening.

Local expert weighs in on what to do when you get an abnormal mammogram
This Birmingham woman is showing us how to fight like a girl
Breast cancer survivors, you need to know about this local org right now
11 women in wellness making Birmingham healthier (look at #3  Camellia Women’s Imaging)

Sending our prayers and thoughts to Pam Huff and all other members of our community who are on a cancer journey right now. Bham Now is with you!

Pat Byington
Pat Byington

Longtime conservationist. Former Executive Director at the Alabama Environmental Council and Wild South. Publisher of the Bama Environmental News for more than 18 years. Career highlights include playing an active role in the creation of Alabama's Forever Wild program, Little River Canyon National Preserve, Dugger Mountain Wilderness, preservation of special places throughout the East through the Wilderness Society and the strengthening (making more stringent) the state of Alabama's cancer risk and mercury standards.

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