Make exciting Labor Day Weekend plans in Birmingham, Sep. 3-6
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It’s the first weekend of football season AND Labor Day weekend. Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about! Here’s to a long weekend in Birmingham, September 3-6.
This Weekend in The Magic City

- Friday, September 3: Historic Night Tour of Sloss Furnaces @ Sloss Furnaces National Historic Landmark. 7:30-10:30PM. $25.
- Saturday, September 4: National Wildlife Day @ McWane Science Center. 10AM-5PM. General Admission. Tickets.
- Saturday, September 4: Boshi Blue Shrub Bar @ Simply Infused Olive Oil. 11AM-3PM. Admission is free.
- Saturday, September 4: The Market @ Pepper Place. 7AM-Noon. Admission is free.
- Saturday, September 4: Trussville Fresh Farmers Market @ Holy Cross Episcopal Church. 8AM-Noon. FREE.
- Saturday, September 4: Eastlake Farmers Market @ Eastlake United Methodist Church. 8AM-Noon. FREE.
- Saturday-Sunday, September 4-5: Leeds Folk Festival + John Henry Celebration @ Leeds Arts Council. Admission is free.
- Saturday, September 4: Football Kickoff Party @ Ghost Train Brewing. Noon. FREE.
- Sunday, September 5: First Sunday Food Truck Tour @ Lakeshore Walmart. 1-5PM. Admission is free.
- Saturday-Monday, September 4-6: Labor Day at the Zoo @ The Birmingham Zoo. 9AM-5PM. $10 admission to First Responders/Healthcare Worker and up to four (4) guests at $10 each.
- Monday, September 6: PB&J Night @ Carrigan’s Public House. 5-9PM.
- Monday, September 6: Pizza Night @ Back Forty Beer Co. 11AM-9PM.
- Friday-Monday, September 6: MUST-SEE: 27 new home listings with RealtySouth.
Find more events in Now the Weekend—Video Edition.
Labor Day Weekend Essentials
- 5 Birmingham spots for a Labor Day meal + can’t-miss deals
- 5 Birmingham bars to watch college football
- 6 things to remember when traveling for Labor Day in Alabama
Looking Ahead

- Thursday, September 9: The Roaring 20s Zoo Rendezvous – VIRTUAL benefiting The Birmingham Zoo. 6:45-7:45PM. RSVP to watch the virtual event. Purchase food here.
- Friday, September 10: Tune Up for City Fest @ Trussville Entertainment District State. 6PM. Admission is free.
- Friday-Saturday, September 10-11: Bham Artwork @ Downtown Birmingham. 5-10PM. Admission is free.
- Friday-Saturday, September 10-11: Giggles & Grace Consignment Sale @ Asbury United Methodist Church. Fri 8AM-6PM, Sat 8AM-Noon. Admission is free.
- Saturday, September 11: Trussville City Fest @ Downtown Trussville Entertainment District. Events begin at 9AM. Admission is free.
- Saturday, September 11: Fall Plant Sale @ Birmingham Botanical Gardens. 8AM-2PM. Admission is free.
- Saturday-Sunday, September 11-12: BirmingFAM @ TrimTab Brewing Co. Sat. Noon-Midnight, Sun. Noon-10PM. $25-$40. Tickets.
- Sunday, September 12: Season Kickoff Party with Opera Birmingham @ The Hill Opera Center Patio. 5PM + 7PM. $64. (RSVP by Sept. 3.) $75. Tickets.
Deal of the Week: Use discount code ‘Bham10’ for 10% off lash extensions at Electric Lash Lounge. Find more deals + add your own to our Small Business Guide.
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