7 things to be thankful for in Birmingham this week
Reading time: 4 minutes

There’s a whole lot of craziness happening right now all over the world and in our Magic City. One thing that’s helped me stay sane is a daily gratitude practice. We still have so many things to be thankful for—here are a few.
A Gratitude A Day…
Ok, so a daily gratitude practice doesn’t actually keep the doctor away. However, it can give all kinds of things a significant boost—from your mental state to your productivity and more.
I’ve subscribed to this for several years now. Every day, I write down at least one thing, big or small, for which I’m thankful. I just keep them in a note on my phone, but if you want to get really cute, you could jot them in a little notebook.
During these crazy and uncertain times, Bham Now wanted to share a few things that have made us breathe a little easier.
1—Essential Workers

I am thankful for our hundreds of local healthcare workers and scientists and emergency responders who don’t get to protect themselves and work from home because lives depend on their jobs.
I imagine that as they rush from one long shift to another, and another, you can hear the swish of their superhero capes loud and clear.
2—A Generation Stepping Up
I am thankful for every teenager or twenty-something that’s offered to pick up medicine or groceries for elderly or vulnerable neighbors.
There might be some out there creating a bad rap, but so many Birmingham young adults have been doing everything they can to flatten the curve, and for that, we’re all grateful.
3—Local Businesses
I am thankful for local businesses that, in the midst of a very scary time for their livelihood, have given out hundreds or thousands of free meals to children who might go hungry without their school lunches.
I am thankful for the people who are going out and buying meals and gift cards to help ensure their favorite spots make it to the other side of this.
Side note: Bham Now wants to use our platform to support Birmingham businesses + nonprofits right now. Click the links below to be featured on our site for free.
4—Citizens Who Care
I am thankful for the citizens who saw problems snowballing and instead of panicking or retreating, jumped into action. The ones who have created resources and Facebook groups and drives and documents and funds in order to support and educate the people who need it most.
Want to do more? Support our service workers who need it most right now. Click here to learn how.
5—Leaders Who Care
I am thankful for the city leaders and county leaders and media/business leaders who haven’t had an hour off work in weeks. They have a thousand curveballs coming at them at once and every single one is swinging for the fences.
6—The Beauty All Around Us
I am thankful for the blooming dogwoods on the side of I-65, and the sunsets over Red Mountain, and the azaleas outside my apartment window.
I am thankful for the beauty of Birmingham and the way it reminds me that this is temporary. Spring still blooms and rain still falls and no matter what tomorrow holds, life will go on and it will be filled with beautiful things.
7—The Good In It All
I am thankful for the way this crisis has forced us all to look around and really see one another for the first time in so long. To check on each other and to look out for each other.
I am thankful for the spirit of resilience and determination that roars so audibly through our Magic City that it drowns out the screeching halt our world has come to.
I am thankful for neighbors and strangers, friends and leaders, and every single person walking through this city with an outstretched hand ready and willing to pull one another through this.
We’re in it together, Birmingham.