Alabama’s Oregon Pinot Camp is back Feb. 21st

Meet Your Neighbors, Learn Some Things.

Coming up this week…

Bham Now BOLD speaker Will Lochamy’s chosen charity – KultureCity

Jazz, gourmet food and nature – a great way to support the Canyon Center and environmental education

Bham Now BOLD speaker Scott ‘Reg’ Register talks about his chosen charity – Greater Birmingham Humane Society

Join Keebler at the next Bham Now BOLD Speaker Series – February 16th

JSU Little River Canyon Center: Build your February calendar with hikes, stars, birds and jazz

Join us tonight at Good People Brewery. Bonus – GBHS Adoption Truck will be there!

Your new BFF – 45th Annual Birmingham Feline Fanciers Cat Show

Third Space Opens at BMA – Explore.

Get your calendars out – Ruffner Mountain just released their upcoming events for February and March

Donating tips this Wednesday: Crestwood Coffee steps up to help Urban Standard