Birmingham native and novelist Daniel Wallace named 2019 Harper Lee Award Winner

Top 5 reasons you don’t want to miss Alabama Symphony Orchestra’s Home for the Holidays on December 7

Birmingham made holiday cards brighten the season

Let Four Corners Gallery restore your beloved family photos and historic documents in time for the holidays

Four Potters of Birmingham’s Roebuck Springs

Children’s of Alabama patients create artwork for holiday cards sold at CrinkledNose.com

The Welsh connection and Birmingham – Learning more about the iconic Wales Window at 16th Street Baptist Church.

Top 5 reasons we’ll be at Alabama Symphony Orchestra’s Opening Masterworks on Oct. 19 and 20, including dueling pianos. Get tickets now.

You could learn 6 new skills in 7 weeks at the Samford Academy of the Arts. Classes for all ages. Register before October 18.

Magic City Dentistry to hold Fall Open House on September 27 with local music, Trim Tab beer and art by Paul Cordes Wilm

16 art classes to register for in Birmingham during the month of October, including candle making at ArtPlay and embroidery at the Birmingham Museum of Art
Yes, Virginia, there is a FART Fairy. 4 things to know about Free Art Bham and citywide scavenger hunt fun.

Hallie Ringle of Harlem, New York selected to be Birmingham Museum of Art’s newest Hugh Kaul Curator for Contemporary Art; plans to begin work on November 1st