Magic City Mercantile moving to former Sheppard’s Pet Supply space in Avondaleย 

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MGM Pic 1 scaled e1714596510438 Magic City Mercantile moving to former Sheppard's Pet Supply space in Avondaleย 
Magic City Mercantile will be moving to the old Sheppard’s Pet Supply. (Jordyn Davis / Bham Now)

Did you hear? A beloved Five Points South vintage store is moving to the former Sheppard’s Pet Supply space in Avondale.ย 

Read on to learn more about Magic City Mercantile + why they chose Avondale.ย 

Oldies but goldies

MGM pic 2 Magic City Mercantile moving to former Sheppard's Pet Supply space in Avondaleย 
Magic City Mercantile is filled with vintage goodies. (Photo provided by Magic City Mercantile)

Owner Erwin Franklin was inspired by his love of vintage clothing and seeing a need for it in the city.

His childhood played a big role in opening Magic City Mercantile. As a matter of fact, he particularly enjoyed the 90s.

“The 90s definitely hits every nostalgic bone in my body. All the stuff from the 90s I remember vividly from being a kid. All the toys, all the tees, all the clothes โ€” they just all have that 90s nostalgia.”

Erwin Franklin, Owner, Magic City Mercantile

The ultimate nostalgic experience

MGM Pic 3 Magic City Mercantile moving to former Sheppard's Pet Supply space in Avondaleย 
Owner Erwin Franklin is excited about new opportunities that will come following the big move. (Photo provided by Magic City Mercantile)

Magic City Mercantile strives to make customers feel like a blast from the past.

Customers love the authentic and vintage vibes they feel when they enter the store.

“When you first walk into the store, there’s a seating area. You’re not immediately bombarded with products. I want them to fee comfortable and not like that regular retail experience.”

Erwin Franklin, Owner, Magic City Mercantile

Erwin told us that he hopes his move to Avondale will inspire growth and new customer traction. He hopes to have the shop up and running in June.

Retro merch and more

AC/DC tees? Check. Unique upholstery? Double check.

Here’s a quick list of everything Magic City Mercantile sells:

  • Vintage tee shirts
  • Retro jeans
  • Designer upholstery
  • Genuine tote bags

New opportunities for vintage-lovers

Erwin hopes to attract new customers to the Avondale location. He feels this new space will match the retro vibe of Magic City Mercantile and bring in new vendors.

Are you interested in Magic City Mercantile? Erwin is collaborating with Avondale Brewing to host a vendor’s market on May 26, 2024.

For more information, check out the Magic City Mercantile website.

Come see what Magic City Mercantile has to offer

Not only do they sell awesome stuff, but they hold community events for everyone.

Do you love a good day trip? Check out these shops near Avondale!

The addition of Black Market Bar & Grill will be the latest in a series of new and โ€œcoming soonโ€ openings in Avondale, including:

Have you ever been to Magic City Mercantile? What are your favorite vintage items here? Tell your thoughts by tagging us @bhamnow!

Jordyn Davis
Jordyn Davis
Articles: 127