These paintings will be featured at the Dallas Art Fair—get a sneak peek at Mercantile on Morris Nov. 12-14

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roscoe hall
Get a sneak preview of artwork from these artists at Scott Miller Projects. Photo via Scott Miller Projects

Can’t make it to Dallas, Texas for the Dallas Art Fair? No worries, you can view artwork from these featured artists at Scott Miller Projects (SMP) at Mercantile on Morris from Friday, November 12 to Sunday, November 14.

Preview the paintings

An early preview presentation of artwork featured at The Dallas Art Fair opens Friday, November 12 at SMP at Mercantile on Morris. The gallery will exhibit a selection of recent paintings by nationally and internationally known artists.

The Dallas Art Fair is an art gala that offers collectors, arts professionals and the public the opportunity to engage with modern and contemporary artworks. 

The preview will include work from:

  • Merrick Adams
  • Deborah Brown
  • Roscoe Hall

Roscoe Hall

scott miller projects
Introducing Roscoe Hall’s “End Where You Start” paintings. Photo via Scott Miller Projects

Roscoe Hall is a painter living and working in Birmingham, Alabama. He received his B.F.A. in photography from the University of San Diego and his M.A. from the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). Hall’s immersive triptych End Where You Start is a critique of the prison industrial complex and is the next chapter in his reveal of common misperceptions and misconceptions surrounding Black life.

The paintings shows Black figures behind prison bars giving viewers a point-of-view as a guard, visitor or even a fellow inmate. We see the prisoners in white shirts, khakis and grey/black with multiple background colors—similar to the color-coding jumpsuit system prison typically follow. 

 Museums Hall’s works have been exhibited in include:

  • Ralph Mark Gilbert Civil Rights Museum
  • Graeter Art Gallery
  • Lowe Mill Gallery
  • Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts (AEIVA)

Deborah Brown

scott miller projects
Brown’s shadow paintings are ones we can all relate to. Photo via Tira Davis for Bham Now

Deborah Brown’s work was previously shown at Scott Miller Projects in the Summer of 2021. She is a painter living and working in Brooklyn, New York. She received her B.A. from Yale University and her M.F.A. from Indiana University. 

Brown is known for her shadow paintings. A shadow is the two-dimensional assertion of existence—they are the same color, dimension and duration. In these paintings, she captures experiences we’ve all shared over the last year. 

Brown’s paintings capture familiar places with a pup on a leash as the main focus. However, in the shadows you see the silhouette of a person. This allows viewers to become a part of the drawing—moving through a “pandemic-emptied, urban landscape.”

National and international museums have displayed her work. Some include:

  • Schloss Derneburg Museum, Germany
  • Hall Art Foundation
  • Anna Zorina Gallery, New York

Merrick Adams

scott miller projects
Adams’ maps will take you on a journey. Photo via Scott Miller Projects

Merrick Adams is a painter, printmaker and Los Angeles native. His works examine our experiences of space and environment. He has a B.F.A. in printmaking and an M.F.A. from the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD).

Consistent patterns, figurations and works of abstract have been seen in art through history. Adams shows those same qualities in his work. He creates topography art through texture including:

  • Plastic netting
  • Fragments
  • Foils

Topography is the study of forms and features of land surfaces. In art, it is a mix of creativity, science and culture. Adams takes us through a journey through the maps he created. Scott Miller described Adams as “a cartographer of the visual, speeding down west coast roads gazing toward fire in the sky, or into the summer paradise of a sunrise on the lily pond.” 

What exhibit at Scott Miller Projects is your favorite? Tag us on socials @BhamNow and let us know.

Tira Davis
Tira Davis
Articles: 175