Get ready to ride…again! Electric bikes + scooters are back in Birmingham

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Electric scooters? Don’t mind if I do! Photo via VeoRide’s Facebook

Get ready to pop a wheelie, Birmingham. Under a new city ordinance, the Birmingham City Council has approved the first permits to allow two electric bike and scooter companies to operate in the Magic City. Say hello to Gotcha Mobility, LLC and VeoRide, Inc.

About the two companies

Gotcha Mobility
Electric bikes for the win. Photo via Gotcha’s Facebook

Gotcha Mobility, LLC

This South Carolina-based companies has one mission—to empower people to lead better lives through sustainable shared mobility.

Gotcha will be providing Birmingham with both electric bikes and scooters.

But here’s the coolest part. Remember the Old Car Heaven property located between Pepper Place and Avondale? Well, get ready to roll everyone, because Gotcha has moved their distribution hub to this very spot.

VeoRide, Inc.

Don’t mind if I do! Photo via VeoRide’s Facebook

Based in Chicago, Illinois, VeoRide was founded in 2017 out of a need for a green and sustainable solution to transportation. The company will be providing Birmingham with conventional bikes and electric scooters.

Both companies are expected to have expanded service areas to potentially include neighborhoods east of Woodlawn, North Birmingham, 5 Points as well as toward Smithville.

Birmingham is no stranger to micro-mobility

Birmingham, Alabama, Zyp Bikeshare
Zyp BikeShare charging station at Back Forty Birmingham. Photo via Patience Itson for Bham Now

In 2015, REV Birmingham introduced the city to the adorable and charming green Zyp Bikes that were stations at prime spots around town. Shortly after, Bird Scooters flew in and out faster than many of us could even have time to take one for a spin.

It was after Zyp Bikes ended their business in December 2019 that the bike share/scooter ordinance was adopted. Now, with the new ordinance in place, micro-mobility in Birmingham is off to a fresh start.

Check out more stories we’ve written on micro-mobility and its wild ride in Birmingham:

Want to learn more about Gotcha Mobility and VeoRide, be sure to follow them at the links below:

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Patience Itson
Patience Itson
Articles: 1795