Homewood’s Magic City Acceptance Academy breaks ground and barriers

Each valentine you send to families at the Ronald McDonald House is matched with a $10 donation—here’s how

Demolish stereotypes + learn more about construction careers for women Mar. 9 at Power UP—register today

Send a little love this February by joining the Project Holiday Hope campaign

Pose, share, inspire—register to be an organ donor and participate in #ALgivehope

Make a BIG impact in 2021—volunteer for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alabama

Did you know United Way offers FREE tax assistance? Make life easier with only a few steps

13 local nonprofits seeking volunteers right now in Birmingham

New study says Bham is the 9th worst city for active lifestyles. Here’s why we disagree.

Ready to join The Pack? It’s more than adorable dogs—you’ll bring joy through special programs

Join United Way for MLK Day of Service + continue a nearly two-decade-long tradition

Challenge yourself + support Alabama children in need. Here’s how

El Centro/The Hub opens today, Jan. 5, in Lakeview—why it matters