More than football, Magic City Classic connects students and business leaders through Code the Classic

Everything you’ve wanted to know about Birmingham’s bats during Bat Week, Oct. 24-31

9 things you didn’t know about juvenile detention in Jefferson County—and why it’s important

Miles College teams up with Shaquille O’Neal to launch HBCU initiative

13th Annual Wild and Scenic Film Festival to be shown at the new Sidewalk Cinema on October 20

How Carver High School transformed their cosmetology department

3 reasons anyone who’s interested in the Holocaust should go see Alexandra Zapruder at UAB Nov. 7, 6-8PM

“It is our stories that make us human.” Our state’s best storytellers gathered at the Alabama Colloquium—here’s what you missed

Biz school candidates! 5 reasons Montevallo should be on your short list.

Son encouraged to “dig deeper” at The Altamont School. Now he is bringing clean water to the world.

From science to CFO—Birmingham native Russ Chambliss leads local business with Alabama EMBA education

From Harlem to Yale to Hip Hop Culture. Hear Dr. Tricia Rose, a leading national voice on equity and inclusion on October 17

NCWIT’s Alabama Digital Skills Initiative will get more girls and women into tech in Birmingham—3 reasons why it matters