7 local weekend events + special Mother’s Day happenings, May 6-8

Reading time: 4 minutes

The Farmers Market at Pepper Place
Now that’s something weekend cheer! (The Farmers Market at Pepper Place / Facebook)

Weekend on your mind? Our weekend events guide is here to the rescue! From a benefit concert to special Mother’s Day happenings, here’s what’s ahead around the Greater Birmingham Area, May 6-8.

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7 Weekend Events in The Magic City

Birmingham Zoo
Well, hello… (The Birmingham Zoo / Facebook)

1. ‘Tails in the Trails | The Birmingham Zoo

Why go? To support our local zoo and its many amazing animals, of course! Enjoy music, foodie faves from area restaurants, beer, wine, 2 specialty cocktails + auction. (Age 21+)
When: Friday, May 6 | 6-10:30PM
Cost: $40 per person/$75 per couple | Unlimited drinks wristband w/ entry: $60 per person/$115 per couple

2. Shopping Shindig | So So Spiffy’s

Why go? Your favorite once-a-month warehouse sale is back! Shop curated furniture collections at irresistible prices. 
When: Friday, May 6 – Noon-6PM | Saturday, May 7 – 10AM-3PM
Cost: Free admission

3. The Farmers Market | Pepper Place

Why go? It’s the perfect place to celebrate May and Mother’s Day weekend, PLUS support local. View this week’s vendor list
When: Saturday, May 7 | 7AM-Noon
Cost: Free admission

4. The Bevy Bazaar benefiting Magic City Acceptance Center | Electra

Why go? You’ll support local LGBTQIA+ small business owners, artists and nonprofits, listen to music from a local DJ, indulge in tasty food + even take part in a charity auction. (Age 21+)
When: Saturday, May 7 | Noon-5PM
Cost: Free admission

5. Donor Dash for Life 5K benefiting Legacy of Hope | Veterans Park – Hoover

Why go? This 5K is more than a way to “get fit”—it’s about celebrating life. Join Legacy of Hope to honor donors, recipients, living donors, caregivers and all advocates of organ, eye + tissue donation. 
When: Saturday, May 7 | 9AM
Cost: $30

6. We Love Homewood Day | Homewood Central Park

Why go? A 5K, ice cream fun run, festival, parade AND dance party in the streets… need we say more? I think not.
When: Saturday, May 7 | 5K – 7:30AM | Festival 10AM-4PM | Parade 6PM
Cost: Festival – Free | 5K – $30 | Scoop & Scurry Ice Cream Fun Run – $15
Register for 5K & Fun Run

7. The Planets w/ Alabama Symphony Youth Orchestra | Alys Stephens Center

Why go? ASYO takes you on a FREE journey to the stars in their last concert of the 21/22 season. Bring a food donation—the performance also benefits the Community Food Bank of Central Alabama. Discover more Orchestra events this May.
When: Saturday, May 7 | 2PM
Cost: Free 
Registration required to attend

For more happenings, visit our events calendar + watch Now the Weekend—Video Edition

Special Mother’s Day plans

Magnolia Baking Company
Yes, they are cookies! And yes, they are too lovely to eat. (Magnolia Baking Company / Facebook)

Taking a trip with mom? Here are 5 Huntsville spots that will take care of the cooking this Mother’s Day.

Looking ahead

Tickets are going fast for Taste of Trussville, Thursday, May 12. Get yours now! (Trussville Area Chamber of Commerce / Breanne Cook)
  • Do Dah Day | Cahaba Brewing Co
    • When: Saturday, May 14 | 11:01AM-6:01PM
    • Cost: $8 in advance | $10 at door
    • Tickets

Deal of the Week

Toast your mom this Mother’s Day with 20% off wine from Southern Roots Wines. Use discount code BHAMNOW. Find more deals + add your own to our Small Business Guide.

Do you want to advertise or have breaking news to share? Let us know at hello@bhamnow.com.

For all the events around Birmingham, follow us on Facebook and Instagram, plus sign up for our FREE newsletter.

Patience Itson
Patience Itson
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