We busted 5 common myths about going to the dentist in Birmingham

Reading time: 4 minutes


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The all-star team at Magic City Dentistry proves—every day—that going to the dentist can be fun. Photo via Nathan Watson for Bham Now

If you think it’s strange to call a dentist’s office cool and hip, then you haven’t been to Magic City Dentistry. Since they opened in 2018, Magic City Dentistry has been receiving rave reviews—not only on the service and staff, but also on the welcoming atmosphere and modern vibe.

We spoke with the Magic City Dentistry team about some myths they hear from patients every day—and the ways they prove them wrong.

Myth #1: You can’t have fun at the dentist.

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Catch up on your favorite TV show while at the dentist. Who would have thought? Photo via Nathan Watson for Bham Now

Fact: Sure you can! Forget trying to make small talk while the dentist’s hands are in your mouth. At Magic City Dentistry, each room has a TV outfitted with Netflix so you can catch up on your favorite show during your check-up.

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These vintage dental chairs are sooo comfortable. Photo via Nathan Watson for Bham Now

Oh, and let’s talk about comfort. Quality furniture is built to last—that’s why Magic City Dentistry opted for vintage dental chairs. Just imagine the classic Eames Lounge Chair in dental form.

Myth #2: Going to the dentist is nerve-racking.

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Fact: Going to the dentist is not inherently something to be scared of—especially when you’re going to Magic City Dentistry.

Magic City Dentistry’s staff are friendly and incredibly knowledgeable about their work, so don’t feel shy about asking questions! Plus, the entire atmosphere is welcoming—it feels more like a hangout spot than a dentist’s office!

Myth #3: All dentist offices have dreary, bland and boring décor.

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Vulcan says, “Be safe! Wear a mask!” Photo via Nathan Watson for Bham Now

Fact: While your typical dentist office is pretty boring—cream-colored walls, motel art and a coffee maker (if you’re lucky)—Magic City Dentistry is anything but typical.

When you first enter Magic City Dentistry, you’ll notice that the office is part dentistry, part art gallery, and all fun. The first thing you see is one of the Vulcans on Parade, painted by local artist Sonya Summers. In fact, she got a chance to show off her art at Magic City Dentistry’s 1st Anniversary Party.

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Ann Sydney Williamson’s photos adorn the walls of Magic City Dentistry. Photo via Nathan Watson for Bham Now

In the past, Magic City Dentistry has displayed art from Lauren StrainEric Poland and many more. The current exhibit is a series of black & white photos taken by local photographer Ann Sydney Williamson during a variety of local concerts.

Myth #4: Finding and paying for parking in downtown will be a chore.

Magic City Dentistry
You can’t miss the bright Magic City Dentistry sign on 1st Avenue South. Photo via Nathan Watson for Bham Now

Fact: While parking can be an issue when shopping downtown, it’s not something you have to worry about when going to Magic City Dentistry. And why’s that? Well, because they pay for your parking, of course!

Simply park in any one of the metered spaces on the 2100 block of 1st Avenue South and let the Magic City Dentistry team know. If you can’t find a metered spot, head to BPA Lot 1 on Morris Avenue—Magic City Dentistry will provide you with a ticket to exit the lot.

Myth #5: I’ll be stuck in the waiting room until I doze off.

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Magic City Dentistry takes excellent care of their patients. Photo via Nathan Watson for Bham Now

Fact: Magic City Dentistry is excellent about sticking to their schedule. In fact, when arriving for their appointments, most patients rarely have to wait at all to sit down in the chair.

But just in case you arrive a little early, don’t worry—you won’t be bored to tears with elevator music. The Magic City Dentistry playlist is upbeat and fun—with indie rock, psychedelic, punk, pop, jazz and more.

Want to Know More?

It’s easy to see why Magic City Dentistry stands out—it is NOT your typical dentist’s office!

Have questions about Magic City Dentistry? Reach out to the team—they’d be more than happy to answer any questions you have!

Nathan Watson
Nathan Watson

Senior Content Producer + Photographer

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