Local artists bring light to downtown Birmingham with a collaborative mural

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IMG 3640 scaled Local artists bring light to downtown Birmingham with a collaborative mural
Each day, the collaborative mural comes one step closer to completion. Photo via Nathan Watson for Bham Now

It all started back in April. As Birmingham began to settle into the new normal of social distancing, a group of local artists came up with an idea to help spread love and positivity in Birmingham. Here’s what happened.

A Vision for Birmingham

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Muralists Shawn Fitzwater and Sean Glider outlined the boxes on April 21. Photo via Shawn Fitzwater

“A group of myself and about 15 other local artists have started this very large mural right here across from the entrance to Pizitz. We’re just trying to spread some love and positivity to the city right now, donating our time and our skills. Come enjoy and see it!”

Shawn Fitzwater, Fitz Hand Painted Signs

Back in April, about 15 local artists—including Shawn Fitzwater, John Lytle Wilson, Amanda Blake and Ginnard Archibald—formed a secret Facebook group to brainstorm ideas, share supplies and collaborate on the details for their vision.

After seeing the energy and foot traffic around REV Birmingham’s temporary Upswing project, the owner of the building was more than delighted to host the collaborative mural project.

Since the end of May, the artists have been spending their free time completing their section of the mural. And it looks amazing.

What’s next?

IMG 3627 scaled Local artists bring light to downtown Birmingham with a collaborative mural
We can’t wait to see the finished project come to life. Photo via Nathan Watson for Bham Now

As of today, June 15, several of the murals have been completed, with the rest on the way. In the next couple of weeks, the completed collaborative mural should join the rest of the beautiful murals that have sprung up lately.

Be sure to swing by the site and check it out for yourself. The mural is in the parking lot across from the entrance to The Pizitz on 19th Street North. You won’t regret it.

Want to keep up with the progress? Follow the crew on Facebook and Instagram to get the latest!

Nathan Watson
Nathan Watson

Senior Content Producer + Photographer

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