7 more ways to support social justice in Birmingham right now
Reading time: 5 minutes

It’s been extraordinary to watch our Birmingham community come together over the past week. From floral memorials to peaceful protests to new murals on almost every corner, local citizens have shown solidarity in all kinds of ways. If you’re looking for tangible ways to get involved right here in Birmingham, check out these 7 social justice organizations that need your support today.
Why it Matters
Last week, we wrote about 7 local organizations centered around social justice. So many of our fellow Birmingham citizens were and still are looking for ways to help. Following that piece, we received an influx of even more organizations doing vital work in Birmingham + beyond.
Here are a few that you named. We know this list won’t cover every organization or individual who is amplifying voices, educating others and protecting those who need it—but it’s a great place to start.
1. The People’s Justice Council

The People’s Justice Council was founded with a vision to create a just world—a world that is equitable, sustainable, and just, and that connects people with policy.
“We engage and equip communities with tools to build power from the grassroots up and to fight for justice at the policy level.”
- Address: 1500 Daniel Payne Drive, Birmingham
- Phone: (678) 913-7477
- Website
- Read more about their programs here
2. Faith in Action Alabama

Faith in Action Alabama is building a people-powered movement based on the belief that organizing is the best way to address the spiritual and material crises facing our society.
“We believe in a society free of economic oppression, racism and discrimination in which every person lives in a safe and healthy environment, is respected and included, and has agency over the decisions that shape their lives.”
- Address: 2100 4th Ave N. Birmingham
- Phone: (205) 451-3352
- Website
- Check out their tools and resources here
3. The Grassroots Coalition of Birmingham

Grassroots organizing uses collective action from the community level to effect change at the local, regional, national, or international level. It’s founded by and for the people, and it’s the mission of the Grassroots Coalition of Birmingham.
“Coalition members, having shown a history of support for coalition causes, grassroots involvement, and local activism, will identify and cultivate a new generation of leaders whose political legacy will be built on a grassroots oriented mission with direct community involvement and familiarity with the principles of grassroots activism.”
- Contact: grassrootscoalitionalabama@gmail.com
- Website
- Read all about their mission here
4. Greater Birmingham Ministries

Greater Birmingham Ministries (GBM) was founded in 1969 in response to urgent human and justice needs in the greater Birmingham area. GBM is a multi-faith, multi-racial organization that provides emergency services for people in need and engages the poor and the non-poor in systemic change efforts to build a strong, supportive, engaged community and pursue a more just society for all people.
“Greater Birmingham Ministries strives to serve God’s purpose of justice and peace by healing the wounds of the community and struggling in community to realize more just systems and more faithful relationships.”
- Address: 2304 12th Ave N, Birmingham
- Phone: (205) 326-6821
- Website
- They offer tons of ways to get involved—check them out here
5. Birmingham Black Economic Alliance

Black Economic Alliance is a coalition of business leaders and aligned advocates committed to economic progress and prosperity in the Black community with a specific focus on work, wages, and wealth.
“We are using our collective power and business acumen to advance policies that can and will create economic empowerment in our community.”
- Social: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
6. Voters Legal Justice Watch Group

In February 2018, a group of Birmingham citizens formed The Voters Legal Justice Watch Group. Their mission is to hold our elected officials and political candidates accountable, to fight for the best interests of the people, and to promote voter equality, fair treatment under the law, and justice for all.
“We are a nonprofit, political, nonpartisan organization founded on the principle of securing for voter equality, having fairness in the legal system, and fighting for justice for all people.”
- DONATE HERE or Venmo @vljwg
- Email: voterslegaljusticewatchgroup@gmail.com
- Phone: (205) 203-5303
- Follow to get plugged in
7. Our Firm Foundation

Our Firm Foundation has been providing courses on social emotional learning (SEL); science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM); and career mentoring to families in Birmingham City Schools since 2018.
“We seek to provide positive change in the the community by implementing a multi-generational approach to mentoring. This model allows parents and their children to thrive. We believe any model expected to provide meaningful and lasting impact and strengthen the foundation of our children must include space for their parents and guardians.”
- Email: ourfirmfoundationbirmingham@gmail.com
- Phone: (205) 603-5329
- Website
- Read about their projects here
If you know a local nonprofit of any kind, be sure to send them this link. They can fill out a form and be featured on our site + in guides like this one for free.
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