Got meat? 7 local shops to find premium meats curbside in Birmingham

Reading time: 3 minutes

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Meat lovers rejoice! Photo view Evan’s Meats on Facebook

Since I’m not a good cook, one of the only things I can make is crock pot chili. However, it’s been a bit difficult to find ground beef and other meats at grocery stores nowadays. Luckily, there are several places in Birmingham that are selling meat to the public!

But First…

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1. Evan’s Meats

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The team at Evan’s Meat Co. Photo view Evan’s Meats on Facebook
  • Address: 617 21st Ave W, Birmingham, AL 35204
  • Contact: 205.324.6666 | Website | Facebook
  • How to Order: Call 205.324.6666 or order online. Evan’s is offering curbside pickup at the Finley Ave warehouse M-F 10AM-3PM and have a pop up at Vapor Thrift on 280 on Wed and Fri from 11AM-3PM.

2. Morgan Murphy’s Tastes of Victory

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The Bacon Brunch Box from Morgan Murphy’s. Yum! Photo via Morgan Murphy‘s Tastes of Victory

3. Snapper Grabbers Land & Sea

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Photo via Snapper Grabbers Land & Sea on Facebook
  • Address: 521 Montgomery Hwy, Vestavia Hills, Alabama 35216
  • Contact: Butcher Shop: 205.637.3031|Seafood Market: 205.824.9799|Website |Facebook
  • How to Order: Call ahead and they’ll deliver to your car!

4. Village Tavern

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Photo via Village Tavern Birmingham on Facebook
  • Address: 101 Summit Blvd, Birmingham, AL 35243
  • Contact: 205.970.1640 | Website | Facebook
  • How to Order: Please Call 205.970.1640 to order.
  • Deals: $80 Quarantine Kits includes 2 Rib eyes -or 2 Filets, 4 Marinated Chicken Breasts, 6 Burgers, 4 Baked Potatoes, 1 Dozen Eggs, Butter, Dessert of the Day, 1 Bottle of Wine (Chardonnay or Cabernet) and 1 Roll of Toilet Paper. Plus,  50% Off Bottles of Wine.

5. Smiley Brothers

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Stop by for fresh cut steaks, ground beef, chicken, deli meats and cheese. All of course available through the drive-up pick up window. Photo via Smiley Brother’s on Facebook
  • Address: 214 Huntley Parkway, Pelham, Alabama 35124
  • Contact: 205.406.8421|Website|Facebook
  • How to Order: Call 205.406.8421— they have a convenient drive up window for pick ups so you don’t even have to get our of your car!

6. Baumhower’s Victory Grille

7. Mr. P’s Deli & Butcher Shop

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Chicken, ground steak, pork chops, and fresh steaks cut to order. Photo via Mr. P’s Butcher Shop & Deli on Facebook

Where will you be picking up your meats? Tag us on social media @bhamnow and let us know your plans!

Nathan Watson
Nathan Watson

Senior Content Producer + Photographer

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