Do you have the goods? Bartering is making a comeback in Birmingham
Reading time: 3 minutes

While it used to be the foundation of most economies, bartering has become fairly outdated in recent decades, particularly in the states. With many incomes slowing down, the practice is gaining traction. Check out the details + learn how to barter in Bham.
Remind me what this is.

Sure. It’s been a while since we learned about it in school. As you can see, the technical definition of bartering is “to trade by exchanging one commodity for another” or “to trade goods or services in exchange for other goods or services.”
It’s pretty basic—you give something to get something.
So why is it making a comeback?

Well, if you’ve turned on the news lately, you’ve probably heard of this virus going around called COVID-19. The novel coronavirus has thrown a wrench in a whole bunch of things (read: everything). Millions of people’s incomes have and will be affected by this crisis, which means there’s less money to exchange for the items people need.
Enter bartering. Need baby formula but have an abundance of diapers? Grass needs cutting but willing to pressure-wash? Running low on dog food but stockpiled canned food? Bartering may be for you.
During these hard financial times, Bham Now wants to use our platform to help give local businesses + nonprofits a boost that they need. Just fill out our forms below and be featured on our site for free.
I’m game—how do I get in on this?

Ahhh, modern-day bartering. No more heading down to the market with a sack of items you’re ready to trade. Online bartering is definitely the way to go, and a group of Birmingham citizens made it easy.
Magic City Bartering is a Facebook page with almost 1,400 members. It’s private, but if you agree to follow the page guidelines, anyone can join. Bartering of anything from homemade goods, food, art, services and knowledge is encouraged.
All you have to do is post what you’re willing to trade and what you need in exchange. There are already hundreds of posts in the group advertising all kinds of items, including:
- Plants
- Nonperishable food items
- Toys for kiddos
- Pet supplies
- Technology
- + a whole lot more
Last thing! Don’t forget to stay safe.

When exchanging goods in this way, it’s still important to take precautions to stay as healthy as possible. One page admin in Magic City Bartering shared this info:
“When engaging in bartering please make sure to not be in contact with each other:
-Choose a pickup/drop off location like a front porch.
Véronique Vanblaere, Page Admin
-Clean item and wear gloves or wash your hands as soon as item is handled.
-Concerning service exchanges, please do not engage in barters that involve in-person contact until this pandemic is over.”
One more reminder: due to Birmingham’s current “shelter in place” ordinance, any bartering pickups or dropoffs should be completed while on your way to necessary errands and/or outdoor exercise listed in the ordinance.