Birmingham nonprofit spotlight—here’s how you can help today

Reading time: 2 minutes

Mitchells Place2 Birmingham nonprofit spotlight—here's how you can help today
We make it through together! Photo via Mitchell’s Place

Our local nonprofits need our help, Birmingham. We’re making it easy. Check back once a week and see who we’re spotlighting—we’ll be adding more nonprofits as the COVID-19 response continues. Learn how you can be a part of important work serving our community.

Why it Matters + What We’re Doing

Our world has been turned upside down in recent weeks with the emergence of COVID-19. Everyone is feeling the effects, and small businesses + local nonprofits are some of the ones getting hit the hardest.

At Bham Now, we ❤️our Birmingham community. We want to do our part to support the people that make our city run, which is why we’re opening our platform to share vital info. If you’re involved with a small business or local nonprofit, fill out one of the forms below and be featured for free on our site.

Animal Welfare

1—Birmingham Zoo


1—The Alabama Symphony Orchestra


1—Mitchell’s Place


1—Cahaba Riverkeeper

Foster Care

1—King’s Home

Health Support Services

1—AIDS Alabama, Inc.


1—Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham

Be sure to check back here every week—we’ll be adding to this list and helping the Birmingham community learn how they can lend vital support to nonprofits.

Beth Cunningham
Beth Cunningham

A Birmingham transplant who can usually be found hitting a new hiking trail or restaurant opening when she's not writing stories and snapping photos for Bham Now.

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