Social distance like a champ this weekend in Birmingham

Reading time: 3 minutes

Birmingham, cats
Chill like Jax. Photo via Stephanie Betsch

We may be social distancing, but there are still things happening in Birmingham. Check it out!

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Bham Now Loves Local

Birmingham, Battle Republic
Get your workout in at home with Battle Republic‘s online classes. Photo via Matthew Niblett for Bham Now

That’s why we’re offering FREE promotion to be included in Bham Now’s popular guides. Have a business that you’d like to include?? Just fill out this tiny form for businesses. Do the same for a nonprofit you’d like to promote.

Here’s a selection of discounts from companies in the guide.

Virtual tours for the win

Birmingham, RealtySouth
A gorgeous kitchen. Photo via RealtySouth

Tired of being cooped up at home? Teleport into a totally new one with these virtual tours by RealtySouth. You can also visit them in person all weekend, but call ahead to ensure the doors will still be open.

Check your snail mail!

Birmingham, 2020 Census
Participate in the 2020 Census. Photo by Pat Byington for Bham Now

There’s something important on the way—the 2020 Census. Here’s everything you need to know about this influential survey + how you can help not-so-tech-savvy seniors complete theirs online. To fill out the survey, you’ll need the code mailed to you via snail mail. So venture outside and check that mailbox.

Wild thang…you make my heart sing

Birmingham, flowers, wildflowers
Spot the little pollinating superhero! Photo via Beth Cunningham for Bham Now

Wildflower season is rolling in. For the perfect social distancing activity, here’s everything you need to know about creating your very own pollinator garden + more.

What’s in a name?

IMG 1579 scaled 1 Social distance like a champ this weekend in Birmingham
Keith Lindsey, inspiration for The Lindsey Building coming to Vestavia. Photo supplied

In late spring, Vestavia will get something new—a cowering space (after we are past all this social distancing, of course). Named The Lindsey Building after the late Keith Lindsey, discover how his life shaped the vision for this soon-to-be workspace. 

The show must go on

Birmingham, Virginia Samford Theatre, theatre
Cabaret at the Virginia Samford Theatre. Photo via Matthew Niblett for Bham Now

Want to help local Birmingham theatres forge ahead during these trying times? From the Terrific New Theatre to Red Mountain Theatre Company and more, here’s how you can give back to keep local theatre thriving.  

Socializing is on the horizon!

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The celebrity player list is stacked at the Regions Tradition Pro-Am tournament. Photo via Regions Tradition

Due to COVID-19, attending events has been on the no-no list. Luckily, social distancing gives us plenty of time to update our calendars. Here are 7 events that have released new dates.  

Remotes ready?

ireneoncouch Social distance like a champ this weekend in Birmingham
The time to chill with your cat is now. Photo by Matthew Niblett for Bham Now

Now is the ultimate time to binge watch all those shows you’ve been wanting to see. You can even add some local Bham flavor to your watch list. So mix yourself a quarantini and settle in for some entertainment with this list.  

For what’s happening around Birmingham, sign up for our FREE newsletter.

Patience Itson
Patience Itson
Articles: 1795