Birmingham Barons top Southern League attendance for 7th straight year in a row
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For the 7th straight year in a row the Birmingham Barons led the 10 team Southern League in attendance.

According to figures released by the Double-A minor league, the Barons drew 379,707 fans to Regions Field in 2019, averaging 5,424 over 70 games.
On the field, the Barons finished 2019 third in the northern division with a 64-72 record.
Over 50,000 fans more

Since 2013, the year the Barons moved their home from Hoover to downtown Birmingham alongside Railroad Park, Birmingham has been the undisputed attendance champions of the Southern League.
This year, the Barons outdrew its closest competitor in attendance, the Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp, by little more than 50,000 fans.
Home Field Advantage – Regions Field
How does Birmingham maintain its reign as attendance champion in the Southern League?
According to a story published last Spring by the new popular national sports website, Regions Field is considered one of the Best Minor League Ballparks in America.
The games are also fan friendly – with numerous traditions including Wet-Nose Wednesdays, Thirsty Thursdays, Fireworks on Friday nights and of course the 7th Inning stretch “Wave” to the kids at Children’s of Alabama.
Next Up 2020
Can the Barons top the Southern League for the 8th year in 2020?
Let’s keep the streak alive (here are details about season tickets).
First pitch next season is April 9, 2020 against the Rocket City Trash Pandas.