5 new residential developments to keep your eye on in Birmingham’s Parkside
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The flurry of activity continues in Parkside. In April, developers announced plans for two additional high-rise apartment buildings set to start construction this year. Find out what’s in store for the two properties, as well as an update on what other residential and mixed use buildings are in the works for the district on Birmingham’s west side.

Parkside Living
Looking to move to Parkside? Here are some fast facts about Parkside’s five latest residential developments either under construction or coming soon.
The Denham Building—Under Construction
- Denham is located at the former Merchants & Manufacturers Terminal at 1143 1st Avenue South.
- The three story building will consist of 59 apartments and 86,000 square feet of retail/office space.
- Monday Night Brewing, also out of Atlanta, is eyeing the space on the ground floor to open a brewpub in the months after the building opens.
- Atlanta-based developer Third & Urban is overseeing the redevelopment project.
- Construction is expected to be complete by August 2019.

Printers Corner—Under Construction
- The redevelopment of Parkside’s Printers Corner will feature large, custom lofts with and airy feel and lots of natural light.
- The Grind Coffeehouse and Lounge, a high-speed internet cafe and inclusive meeting place with a full-service bar will occupy the ground floor retail space.
- The building is being redeveloped by Birmingham’s Orchestra Partners.

Baker’s Row II-Construction Starting Soon
- Construction is set to begin this summer on Baker’s Row II at the Stacy Williams Co. building on 14th Street South at Railroad Park.
- The 7-story, 207-unit apartment building will be used as housing for UAB students.
- The ground floor will consist of space for both parking and retail.
- The property is being developed by Corporate Realty Development and Parallel Company from Austin, Texas.
- Confirmed retail tenants include a new meat and three restaurant by Nick Pihakis and Hero Doughnuts.

First Avenue South Development—Construction Starting Soon
- The Birmingham Parkside Residences LLC, a division of Novare Group in Atlanta, recently purchased the 3.4 acre brownfield site on the 1200 block of 1st Avenue South.
- Plans are to turn the space into a multifamily living space consisting of two five story buildings.
- The building will consist of 268 units, mostly one- and two-bedroom apartments.
- Crews will break ground on the complex late May.

3rd Avenue South Parkside Development—Proposed
- Daniel Corporation will begin construction on a 240-unit luxury apartment complex this summer at 1401 3rd Avenue South.
- The complex will also house retail space on the ground floor. No word on who will fill that space.

Cement Plant Redevelopment—Proposed
- Residential Ventures of Denver, Colorado has submitted a plan to redevelop the Sherman Industries cement plant at 1130 2nd Avenue South near Railroad Park.
- The mixed-use development will be located by the Denham Building, just two blocks from Railroad Park.
- The developer is seeking rezone the area from industrial to mixed-use. If the Birmingham City Council grants this rezoning request, the project will move forward.

Why Parkside is So Hot Right Now
Parkside is busting at the seams with new residential construction and redevelopment as developers hope to cash in on Parkside’s growing popularity. A good call on their part—over the past decade, friendly additions such as Railroad Park, Regions Field and Good People Brewing Co. has turned the once industrial area into a pretty desirable place to hang out and live. It’s also home to a few giant employers such as Children’s Hospital and UAB—and who doesn’t love a short commute?