Binge-watching?  Episodes of public television’s Discovering Alabama are available online

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Screen Shot 2018 08 13 at 11.52.15 PM Binge-watching?  Episodes of public television's Discovering Alabama are available online
Screenshot of Dr. Doug Phillips host of Discovering Alabama. From the episode titled Sipsey Wilderness.

Forget Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime. If you looking to do some serious binge-watching, checkout episodes of Alabama Public Television’s  Discovering Alabama.

Hosted since 1985 by Dr. Doug Phillips (or Dr. Doug), Discovering Alabama, the highly acclaimed and Emmy award winning nature documentary series has produced  85 episodes.  Recently, 76 programs have been digitized and are now available for viewing online.

View the entire list – HERE

To help get you started on your Discovering Alabama marathon, Bham Now has chosen 7 of our favorite shows.

Here is a list of our favorites:

Whooping Cranes

The 85th and latest Discovering Alabama documentary, if you read Bham Now regularly, you know we love cranes.  Fun fact. About 25-30 Whooping Cranes, one of the rarest birds in the world, live in North Alabama at and around the Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge.

Coastal Ecology

With school starting back up the Coast is still fresh on everyone’s mind. In this episode Discovering Alabama explores Alabama’s coastal biodiversity. Be ready for some surprising stories.

Forever Wild Renewal

Bham Now just completed a series about Forever Wild, Alabama’s most successful conservation program. This documentary came out the year Forever Wild was up for renewal.  Another piece of history, Discovering Alabama’s Doug Phillips was instrumental in the development of the program.  He served as the mediator of the Governor’s task force charged with coming up with the legislation.

Alabama Rivers

This particular documentary features Alabama native E.O. Wilson, one of America’s most prolific nature writers and scientists. Episode #48 – Alabama Rivers is a great primer for folks wanting to know more about the rivers of our state.

Sipsey Wilderness

Alabama’s largest federally designated Wilderness Area, Dr. Doug describes how the creation of the Sipsey Wilderness in Alabama helped start a national movement. This was episode #23.

Cahaba River Watershed

The Cahaba River is not only one of the most ecologically significant rivers in the North America, it provides nearly half of the Birmingham region’s drinking water. Episode #18.

Oak Mountain State Park

One of the classic pilot show, see what Oak Mountain State Park looked like over 30 years ago.

More than a television program, Discovering Alabama, a production of the Alabama Museum of Natural History, also provides teacher guides and various nature-based educational programs.

If you want to learn about Alabama’s remarkable natural heritage and the progress we have made over three decades, kick back and start watching this long-running series about our people and natural wonders.

Pat Byington
Pat Byington

Longtime conservationist. Former Executive Director at the Alabama Environmental Council and Wild South. Publisher of the Bama Environmental News for more than 18 years. Career highlights include playing an active role in the creation of Alabama's Forever Wild program, Little River Canyon National Preserve, Dugger Mountain Wilderness, preservation of special places throughout the East through the Wilderness Society and the strengthening (making more stringent) the state of Alabama's cancer risk and mercury standards.

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