3 reasons up and coming Birmingham business women should consider Momentum’s NEW Upward Early Career Program
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Looking for a way to boost your leadership skills and build critical networks? Read on to find out why Momentum’s new Upward Early Career Program might be right for you or someone you know. Application deadline is Aug. 31.

You’re a woman early in your career in the Birmingham area with high aspirations. Maybe you’ve been promoted to the next level or into a leadership role at your company. Although highly exciting, you’re a little apprehensive about all the added responsibilities on your horizon. That’s exactly why Momentum is in your corner.

1. There’s Nothing Else Like It In Alabama
Momentum, Alabama’s only program focused on advancing women in leadership, just launched the Upward Early Career Program, a program that aims to promote emerging talent and fast-track the next generation of women business leaders.
Now until Aug. 31 applications are being accepted for the newly created Upward Early Career program, for women who have two to seven years of professional experience. Click here for more information on how to apply or nominate a woman in business.

2. Momentum Empowers Bosses, Like You
Since 2001, Momentum has been changing the landscape of possibilities for aspiring women executives in Alabama.Their goals? Increasing the number of women in leadership roles in the state.

“We have worked for over a year with board members, Momentum alumnae, HR professionals, and area business leaders to solicit ideas for the new program,” said April Benetello, CEO, Momentum. “Based on the feedback so far, we have a winner!”

The early career program will will offer the same high-quality and challenging professional development that Momentum alumnae of the executive leadership program experience in their nine-month program, just targeted to women who are earlier in their careers or re-entering the workforce.
Momentum currently is looking for applicants who exhibit leadership qualities, who are highly motivated and who have high potential for career growth and advancement. Individuals can apply or be nominated by their company or other individuals.

The Criteria
For the Upward Early Career program, Momentum is looking for women who:
- Demonstrate a high degree of career ownership
- Are self-motivated and capable of motivating others
- Appreciate diversity
- Show initiative in team projects
- Possess strong people skills
Momentum alumnae will review and select 60 women from a variety of industries and who represent diverse roles. The rigorous nine-month program will center on curriculum that teaches self-awareness, vision planning, leadership and adding value to organizations and the community at-large.

Expectations of candidates chosen for the program:
- Attendance at all nine half-day program sessions from Jan. – Oct. 2019. Classes will generally be held the second Tuesday of each month.
- You will meet at the Birmingham Bar Association’s office, 1st Ave North, downtown. One class of 30 will meet in the morning, and a second class of 30 will meet in the afternoon. All 60 will have lunch together.
- Tuition is $2,000 inclusive of meals & materials.
- You will need your manager’s approval.

3. The Networking Will Be Fierce
Once the applicants have been chosen, they will be divided into two groups of 30 and will attend nine half-day sessions. The groups will be divided into morning and afternoon classroom-style sessions. The two groups will then come together for lunch. The nine-month interactive program, beginning Jan. of 2019, will be facilitated by professionals selected and guided by Momentum. In between the classes, participants will complete assignments, meet with their co-mentoring group and attend sessions with experienced leaders from the Momentum alumnae network.

The participants will study a variety of topics such as:
- Emotional intelligence
- Communication
- Goal-setting and prioritization
- Change management
- Career path training
- Teamwork and collaboration
- Leadership fundamentals
- Peer-to-leader transition
“Graduation from the program is only the beginning of the journey,” Benetollo said. “Our alumnae network is a strong vibrant group of talented women who serve as mentors, volunteers, speakers and role models in our state.”

Servant Leaders
Over the years Momentum alumnae have cultivated the organization’s reputation for being a community service organization and uniquely positioning it as an organization that offers community events, workshops and corporate training programs for leadership development as well as diversity and inclusion training.
Ready to apply or nominate someone? Here’s the link.
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