More I-59/20 Southbound closures coming your way this week

Reading time: 2 minutes

Birmingham Malfunction Junction
Rendering of Malfunction Junction in Birmingham after ALDOT completes its bridge project. Graphic by ALDOT

Weather permitting, the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) will continue its project to improve the I-59/20 and I-65 interchange this week. That means more I-59/20 Southbound closures are ahead for Birmingham. Here’s what you need to know.

What’s happening now?

ALDOT will close I-59/20 Southbound in downtown Birmingham to allow workers to set steel girders across the interstate. Let’s hope things go smoothly this time. 

When will traffic be affected by the I-59/20 Southbound closures?
  •  Tuesday, May 8, 11 p.m. to 5 a.m.
  • Thursday, May 10, 11 p.m. to 5 a.m.
  •  Saturday, May 12, 11 p.m. to 5 a.m.

In other words, if you are a night owl or are up and at ’em in the wee hours of the morning, this announcement is for you.

Approaching the city from I-65 Northbound? Here’s your detour.
Birmingham, Alabama, I-59/20 Southbound closures and detours
Image via

Traffic on I-65 Northbound will be detoured to the 16th Street exit. From there, turn left on 16th Street, get on I-65 Southbound and exit onto I-59/20 North.

Keep an eye out for …
  • Message boards along the path will mark the detour.
  • Law enforcement officers will be out to assist with the closures. (Be mindful and courteous, please and thank you. They’re there to keep the citizens of Birmingham and travelers safe during this huge ALDOT project.)
Hey, ease up on that gas pedal, with ya?

A reduced speed limit of 45 mph is in effect throughout the work zone. ALDOT asks motorists to consider alternate routes, adjust arrival/departure times and observe work zone signs and speed limits.

Stay in the know.

Bham Now keeps up with traffic headaches. Follow Bham Now on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Not sure how much more of this interstate construction you can take?
meditate 1851165 640 More I-59/20 Southbound closures coming your way this week
Image via pixabay

Take a deep breath. Consider yoga. (There’s a free yoga class at Birmingham’s Railroad Park this Thursday, May 10, at 6 p.m.)


Rushing Waters
Rushing Waters
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