Cracked Magazine declares Birmingham’s John-Bryan Hopkins secretly runs the world
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Who knew someone who walks among us in Birmingham secretly runs the world? According to, John-Bryan Hopkins, creator of the food blog Foodimentary and the National Food Holiday movement, ranks #2 on their… prestigious list.
The Cracked article, titled 6 Random Nobodies (Who Secretly Run The World), was written on January 30, 2017, and was evidently a secret even to Hopkins who discovered it on social media and owned up to “running” the world. is a popular humor website with over 300 million monthly page views according to Wikipedia. The site was founded in 2005 and it is a descended from Cracked magazine, which dates back to 1958.
In the fall of 2017, John-Bryan Hopkins did an interview with Bham Now about his book Foodimentary: Celebrating 365 Food Holidays.
Unbeknownst to us back then we were in the midst of a powerful world leader. And when you think about it, does have a point about Hopkins running the world.
Here is an excerpt from their story making their case:
“When Hopkins launched his blog in 2006, he began cataloging the existing food holidays, such as National Doughnut Day, which dates back to World War II. Discovering that there were about 175 national food days, Hopkins decided to fill in the rest and replace the ones he didn’t like. Today, he maintains the complete list on Foodimentary and is surprisingly attached to his food day creations, referring to them as his “little children.”
Perhaps, Hopkins does run the world. Just last month Oprah… yes that OPRAH, praised his book Foodimentary and picked one of his recipes as 5 Feed-a-Crowd Recipes Everyone Over 30 Should Know.
We actually DO KNOW Oprah runs the world. With John-Bryan Hopkins and Oprah teaming up is the secret out?