Birmingham, multiple offices in Jefferson County up for election
Reading time: 3 minutes

The Easter Bunny is not an elected position, but the sheriff is! Birmingham, it’s qualifying time for our next county and state-wide election on June 5.

What Elections?
Jefferson County, Alabama, will hold a primary on June 5. If needed, a runoff will be held on July 17. General elections for county commissioner, county sheriff and more will be on November 6.
This election includes voting for all of your state elected officials, along with your county elected officials. You may already know about some candidates running for governor.

Hey, You Can Run For Office!
Want to throw your name into the ring for an elected office? It’s not too late! February 9 is the last day to qualify. For more information about running for an office, Alabama’s Secretary of State website can point you in the right direction. You’ll find out about the minimum qualifications for candidates, along with dates, forms, and all the other good stuff you’ll need to know if you want to run.
Candidate Information
Since the qualifying period is not over, candidate lists are not complete. Stay tuned! We’ll share all the candidates and all the offices with you after February 9. There are a lot, fyi. Check out the Democrats who have qualified here, and the Republicans who have qualified here.

We just voted for our United States Senator, ya’ll, so no more of that. These elections are for county and state only.
Voter Registration Deadlines
- May 21: last day to register for June 5 primaries
- July 2: last day to register for July 17 runoffs
- October 22: last day to register for November 6 general election
Need to register to vote? You can do it online.

Absentee Ballot Deadlines
- For June 5 primaries, absentee voting begins on April 11. For the runoffs, June 12 and for the general election absentee ballot voting begins on September 12.
- The application deadlines for voting with an absentee ballot are:
May 31 for June 5 primaries
July 12 for July 17 runoff
November 1 for November 6 general electionYour county commissioners are voting on many issues that could affect you. Things like funding for the new stadium that’s been proposed.According to the Jefferson County Probate Court, we have 455,859 registered voters in the county. Are you one of them?