How one student’s last-minute career change led to a new passion for real estate

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emmakathryb How one student's last-minute career change led to a new passion for real estate
Emma Kathryn Compere, Senior, University of Alabama (ACRE)

For some students, college is a place to pursue their passion. For others, it’s a place to find it.

Emma Kathryn Compere, a senior at the University of Alabama, had plans to attend law school until she was encouraged to check out the Real Estate Career Fair hosted by the Alabama Center for Real Estate (ACRE).

It was there that a Birmingham-based real estate firm caught her attention, inspiring her to dive head first into a new career field.

From law to real estate

Emma Kathryn had her sights set on law school when ACRE Executive Director Grayson Glaze encouraged her to check out the real estate career fair.

At the fair, she discovered Crawford Square, a real estate firm in Birmingham, and made an instant connection.

“I started out wanting to go to law school. I interned at a civil litigation firm my sophomore summer, but they ended up having some real estate law come across the table. I was like, ‘You know what? That’s really interesting’.

Emma Kathryn Compere, Senior, University of Alabama

What started as a last-minute decision to attend the career fair led to Emma Kathryn interning with Crawford Square for seven months.

Throughout her Junior year, she drove back and forth from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham, gaining valuable experience in leasing, tenant services and more.

“I think my internship with Crawford Square taught me what real estate really is.

You hear the term, and you can attend all of the events, but you still might not grasp what the day-in and day-out actually looks like in real estate. At Crawford Square, I was able to see from a leasing standpoint what a typical day looks like.”

Emma Kathryn Compere, Senior, University of Alabama

ACRE champions student success

The Alabama Center for Real Estate (ACRE) acts as a link between University of Alabama students and the real estate industry.

The members of ACRE’s leadership team are cheerleaders for its students, offering them guidance on the real estate field, networking opportunities, mentorship, internships and career pathways.

From the moment Grayson began encouraging Emma Kathryn to explore the ACRE’s career fair, he was there to offer her the support she needed while changing career paths.

“I thought, ‘What would it take to get my license?’ That’s when I came across ACRE.

I gave it a try and Grayson [Glaze] said, ‘You have to be here. We want to have you. We’d love to help you.’

I think that was really encouraging, because so far in my college experience, I hadn’t had that yet. He is a cheerleader and gives tangible skills and people to meet.”

Emma Kathryn Compere, Senior, University of Alabama

Emma Kathryn’s new lease on life

Now, only two months from graduation, Emma Kathryn has plans to move back to Birmingham to pursue real estate in her hometown.

According to her, getting involved with ACRE taught her just how far-reaching the impact of real estate can be.

“When you talk to people and network, never write someone off. Everyone is impacted by real estate, whether they rent or own, work in an overhead building or shop at a commercial shopping mall

Never cut somebody off just because you think they won’t help you in the industry. Be willing to talk to people and learn from the best.”

Emma Kathryn Compere, Senior, University of Alabama

Get involved in Alabama real estate

Interested in real estate, or looking for your own career change?

ACRE is hosting two annual real estate forums around Alabama– the Rocket City Real Estate &Economic Forum in Huntsville and the River Region Real Estate & Economic Forum in Montgomery.

These events will feature guest speakers, panels and educational seminars for those interested in Alabama’s real estate scene.

Snag your last-minute tickets for the Rocket City Real Estate &Economic Forum in Huntsville on October 24, or see details below for the River Region forum.

Learn more about how Alabama Center for Real Estate supports students’ career goals.

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