Reviewed by: Callie Morrison
United Way needs people like you to review its 79 partner agencies—sign up now
Reading time: 5 minutes

Looking for a dose of hope and inspiration? Our community is filled with incredible nonprofits that make a difference every day.
By signing up to serve on a Visiting Allocation Team (VAT) with United Way of Central Alabama (UWCA), you can learn about these organizations first-hand.
UWCA is actively recruiting VAT volunteers to evaluate 79 partner agencies across six counties.
Keep reading to learn more or sign up by August 31—anyone can be a VAT volunteer, and 18 to 25 year olds are especially encouraged to apply.
Why the Visiting Allocations Team matters
Even if you’re not familiar with UWCA, you definitely know their partner agencies, which include nonprofits ranging from the A.G. Gaston Boys & Girls Club to the YWCA of Central Alabama.
United Way of Central Alabama itself is a 101-year-old nonprofit that is “committed to building better, stronger and more equitable communities.”
Part of how the organization does this is by running its Annual Campaign that raises tens of millions of dollars to support nonprofits that serve our community.
But they don’t stop there—every year, they recruit hundreds of volunteers just like you and me to visit each of their partner agencies to determine how well they’re doing, what their plans are and where their greatest needs lie.

Based on those visits, the VAT helps UWCA decide which community programs will be a wise investment of the millions of dollars raised in that year’s Annual Campaign.
“I enjoy serving on the Visiting Allocations Team… because it educates you about the services that are offered in your community, and so when you come across people who have a need, you know the places that you can send them in order to get the help that they deserve…
The allocation process really lets you feel like you’re truly involved in where the money’s going.”
Matthew Pope, Vice President, Metro Bank, St. Clair Country Resident
Apply to serve on a Visiting Allocation Team today + invite a friend—must apply by August 31.
How VAT works—10 to 12 hours total (3 one-hour meetings)

Back in 2020, my colleague Pat Byington signed up to serve on the VAT (and loved the experience, BTW).
If you’d like to sign up, here’s what volunteers do:
- Commit 10-12 hours between late September + October to serve on a team of 10-15 people.
- Attend + actively participate in team meetings, including three one-hour-long agency site visits, coordinated by United Way staff, an experienced VAT chair + nonprofit Executive Directors.
- Review agency programs + accomplishments.
- Work with other volunteers to make program assessments + recommendations.
“Hearing and seeing the work and being able to see the actual numbers of how far the money goes is a priceless experience.”
Shakeitha Tatum, Vice President of Agency Relations, United Way of Central Alabama
The program is intentionally designed to increase people’s awareness of local nonprofits, their services and how they are run.
Some participants decide to remain connected to the organizations they review by serving on committees and becoming board members and volunteers.
Sign up now to get involved

Visiting Allocations Teams (UWCA)
Serving on a VAT is such a valuable experience that some companies regularly recruit dozens of volunteers from within their ranks.
We spoke to one woman at Regions who has been getting others engaged with United Way for years now:
“We like to present our associates with different ways they can volunteer and UWCA has an abundance of opportunities, of which the VAT is one.
We can have anywhere from 50+ associates who will volunteer to serve. Many of those are repeat volunteers who go out and see the agencies in action and really see where their dollar goes.”
Susan B. Clowdus, Vice President, Community Affairs, Regions
Individuals can sign up, too. Here’s what you need to know:
- Who: VAT volunteers can be anyone, as long as you’re looking to make a difference and “be the change you wish to see.”
- Recent high school grads can get service hours + learn more about how you can serve the community.
- Recent arrivals in Birmingham can learn about community resources.
- Retirees can get more involved in our community.
- Orientation: This is online so you can do it at your convenience.
- Location: Blount, Chilton, Jefferson, Shelby, St. Clair + Walker Counties—volunteers can be matched with agencies close to where you live or work.
All are invited to these two events that will help you decide if this opportunity is right for you:
- Meet + Greet: Stop by UWCA’s office at 3600 8th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35222 on August 6 at 1PM to learn more.
- VAT Recruitment + Appreciation: Returning, prospective + new volunteers are welcome to come to this event at Spire on August 29 at 3PM—605 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd North, Birmingham, AL 35203
Whatever your age, these 12 hours might end up being the best investment of volunteer time you make all year.
Sign up to volunteer for the Visiting Allocations Team by August 31.
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