Southwest Airlines to add nonstop flights from BHM to 2 popular cities

Reading time: 2 minutes

Southwest at the Birmingham Shuttlesworth International Airport. (Birmingham Airport)

Last month, we asked our audience what things other cities have that we need in Birmingham and one of the top answers was more direct flights from the city. This fall, that wish will start to become reality.

Today, Southwest Airlines announced its plan to add several nonstop flights out of Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport (BHM) to two popular cities– Phoenix and Nashville.

Nonstop flights to Phoenix + Nashville

The introduction of new flights to Phoenix and Nashville will serve to test the market in Birmingham. The flights will be introduced beginning in November, in an attempt to reduce overbooked flights during the busy holiday season.

Southwest will also offer nonstop service between BHM and Milwaukee (MKE) for the Alabama vs. Wisconsin game during the weekend of September 13-15.

Flights are available for booking now, so grab yours before they sell out. (Looking at you, Bama fans.)

Increased traffic out of Birmingham

The additions to Southwest’s offerings in Birmingham are a result of increased traffic at BHM last year. According to BHM, airport traffic is growing at a rapid pace.

In 2023 alone, BHM welcomed more than 3 million passengers through the airport—an increase of 14% since 2022.

“With more passengers choosing to fly out of the airport and a robust economic outlook in this region, there’s every reason to be optimistic about future growth.”

Ron Mathieu, President and CEO of the Birmingham Airport Authority in a recent press release

If testing goes well, you might be able to expect more direct flights out of BHM soon.

What do you think about these new flights? Tag us @bhamnow and let us know!

Grace Howard
Grace Howard
Articles: 318