Reviewed by: Pat Byington
9 actors our Facebook followers would cast to play Vulcan in a movie
Reading time: 4 minutes

As everyone knows, Vulcan is the Magic City’s most important and visible symbol. Since he was forged in 1904, he has kept a watchful eye over our city.
The Roman god of fire and forge embodies Birmingham’s iron origins.
We asked YOU on Facebook: “What actor would you cast to play Vulcan in a movie?”
We had almost 200 comments from our followers!
While we don’t have any celebrity pictures, please enjoy photos from our Vulcan Lookalike Contest a few years back!
Keep reading to see our Facebook followers top 9 picks that they would like to see play Vulcan.
9. Danny DeVito
Starting off strong…
You may know him from movies like Matilda or The Lorax. Danny Devito, known for his small build and comedic genius, is definitely an interesting choice for our Vulcan.
I think Danny DeVito would bring a new light to our stoic Vulcan, giving him a break from the steely stare and allowing him to let out a giggle or two.

8. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
While missing the iconic Vulcan beard, another top vote was for The Rock, himself.
Who better to play a god of fire and forge than a man nicknamed after a stone…
Dwayne Johnson definitely has the experience to play Vulcan, especially after his newest role as Black Adam. He fits the warrior persona we all know and love.
Do y’all think he can pull off the apron?

7. Peter Dinklage
Game of Thrones actor Peter Dinklage was also a fan favorite vote for Vulcan casting.
Although he might not be some people’s first choice, I will say… I can totally see it. With his stoic persona and acting experience, I think he would crush it.
Peter Dinklage would definitely bring a different perspective to our beloved warrior, but I would 100% watch that movie.

6. Russell Crowe
Next up, we’ve got Russell Crowe. You may know him from his role in Gladiator or Les Miserables.
As a popular action star, Russell Crowe certainly fits the part. I mean, his work in Gladiator paints a pretty good picture of what Vulcan could look like if he were on the move.
Could you imagine Vulcan being trained as a gladiator? I could!

5. Stephen Lang
Okay now we’re talking!
You may have seen Stephen Lang in films like Avatar or almost every other action movie since the early 2000’s.
I feel like we see him play “bad guys” most often, so I would love to see him in a heroic role.

4. Jason Momoa
With many many votes, we’ve got Jason Momoa.
You may have seen his work in Aquaman or Dune.
Jason Momoa totally has the build for a Roman god like Vulcan. He’s got the beard for it too!
Maybe we will see Vulcan played Aquaman-style?

3. Gerard Butler
First up on the podium for Vulcan casting votes is Gerard Butler.
The Scottish actor has been seen in films like 300 and Olympus Has Fallen.
With his acting history, I think Gerard Butler would make an amazing Vulcan. He’s totally got the attitude for it!

2. Chris Hemsworth
Sliding in as the second-most casted actor, Chris Hemsworth!
Chris Hemsworth is definitely a solid casting choice for our dear Vulcan.
You may know him from his role as Thor, which is super similar to how I view the Vulcan (without the lightening powers, of course).
Would he wear the apron well?
BTW: Chris’s brother Luke Hemsworth has been in town filming a new movie with Morgan Freeman!

1. Ron Perlman
And finally, our most voted casting for Vulcan is Ron Perlman!
Ron Perlman is most known for his role in the film Hellboy.
This guy would play a KILLER Vulcan! With his action movie background, the our Facebook followers decided he would play Vulcan best.

Honorable Mentions
We had so many comments we can’t fit them ALL.
First, here is Chris Dirksen, our 2020 Vulcan Lookalike contest winner!

Here are a few more names mentioned by our followers:
- Nick Offerman
- Pedro Pascal
- Will Farrell
- Tim Curry
- Alexander Skarsgard
- Henry Cavill
- Chris Pratt
- Channing Tatum
Who did we miss? Let us know @bhamnow!