Skate into the summer with a sneak peek of the NEW speed skating track constructed for The World Games 2022
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The Powell Steam Plant is not only home to Birmingham’s newest development and Birmingham’s Parkside District—it’s now a unique venue for The World Games 2022. This new asphalt speed skating track will see many athletes come July. Let’s take a look at what will be going down.
So, what is this mysterious track?

Wondering what the mysterious track next to the Powell Steam Plant is for? You’re not alone (we’re looking at you—U/PitlinChimp on Reddit). Our sources confirmed that it is indeed the venue for the 2022 speed skating event and we’ve got a sneak peek.
First—let’s define what speed skating is.
According to TWG’s website—
“Speed Skating involves racing on in-line skates. There are two categories of Speed Skating: Track and Road. In Track, the race is held on a patinodrome (an arena for this sport) with banked curves that is 200 meters in circumference. In Road, races may be held on regular pavement. The tracks are marked by multiple pylons that create a Road course.”
Based on this information, we can imagine that while the Track competitions are held at the Hoover Metropolitan Complex, the Road competitions will be hosted right here at The Powell Steam Plant.
According to The World Games 2022, the construction on the track is set to end on June 24—just in time for The Games to start. The track is 200 meters and will be top coated with a synthetic resin called Vesmaco, which is only made in Italy.
In case you need a visual, here is their guide on ALL roller sports that will be at The World Games 2022:
What about the speed skating track after The Games?

While sources are unable to disclose any information about the use of the space and/or track after The Games, we can guarantee the will be put to good use. According to The World Games 2022 team, it will need to be removed following The Games.
Recently, news broke of the exciting addition of Alabama’s first Alamo Drafthouse coming to the former plant along with several exciting tenants. On the first floor of the building, restaurants and retail spaces will be king. On the mezzanine level, be on the lookout for leasing opportunities or office spaces. People are eager for updates on what the space, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, will become.
Construction on the new space is set to start this summer, will hopefully be put on a temporary hold as The World Games takes over the city for 10 days.
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