How aspiring journalist Wynter Rudolph is chasing her dreams from Paris to The World Games 2022

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Wynter Rudulph, a UA Online Masters Candidate. (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

Pursuing a graduate degree is tough—especially when you’re trying to balance classes with work and other life responsibilities. Just ask Wynter Rudolph, an aspiring Birmingham journalist pursuing a Master of Arts in Journalism & Media Studies from The University of Alabama Online. We spoke with Wynter to learn more about how she balances work, life and her classes.

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Meet Wynter Rudolph, Aspiring Journalist

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(Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

Born and raised here in Birmingham, Wynter has long dreamed of being a journalist.

“Ever since I was 12 years old, I’ve done some aspect of journalism, media or content creation. In middle school and on family trips, I would take photos and videos of everyday things. I just love capturing those memories. I think that really sparked my love of being a storyteller, in a way.”

Wynter Rudolph

Through high school and undergraduate studies, she threw herself into any opportunity she could to learn more about her field—working as a reporter for BamaNewsNow, a podcast host and a student report for WVAS-FM 90.7.

As an undergraduate at Alabama State, Wynter’s professors encouraged her to apply to UA Online’s Master’s in Journalism program.

“I knew that I needed to continue my education in journalism so that I could be the best in my field. I just love the field of media—it’s my passion. Many of my professors went through graduate and doctorate programs with The University of Alabama, so they pointed me in the direction of UA Online.”

Wynter Rudolph

A program of The University of Alabama, UA Online offers over 70 unique and innovative online degree programs. The best part? Students can complete their courses around their own schedule and from any location. Click here to learn more about programs with UA Online.

For Wynter, UA Online checked all the boxes she needed in a graduate program.

“For me, the biggest thing I was looking for in a graduate program was flexibility. My mom recently had open heart surgery, so I need to be with her to make sure she’s taken care of while she heals. I’m driving back and forth between Birmingham and Tuscaloosa every week to take care of her, so I wouldn’t be able to work a traditional on-campus program into my schedule.

Thankfully, the professors with UA Online are very understanding of my schedule. I can tell that they are truly passionate about helping the students in their program.”

Wynter Rudolph

Pursuing Journalism with UA Online

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Wynter working with a camera at Protective Stadium. (Wynter Rudolph)

As a student with UA Online, Wynter has had tons of opportunities to explore the field of journalism—even if she’s not on campus. In March, Wynter was able take a trip to Paris for her international storytelling course.

“Last semester, I went with my class on a two-week Spring Break trip to Paris to learn more about international storytelling. That trip was amazing! It was my very first time out of the country and it was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”

Wynter Rudolph
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Wynter Rudolph on a school trip to Paris. (Wynter Rudolph)

In another class, Wynter has been assigned to cover the upcoming (and exciting!) World Games 2022.

“This summer, I’ll be working as a freelance content creator and video journalist with The World Games 2022 in Birmingham! For those two weeks in July, I’ll be busy documenting the event here in my hometown. I live pretty much in the center of all the action, so I’ll be within walking distance of most of these sporting events.”

Wynter Rudolph

What’s next for Wynter?

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(Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

Aside from working for The World Games 2022, Wynter is already making plans for after graduation.

“I’ve started early with applying for jobs—I’m still trying to make up my mind about whether I want to work in my hometown or finally make the big move to Atlanta, George. My ultimate dream is to start somewhere in Atlanta doing reporting or investigative journalism. But wherever I end up, I know that the sky’s the limit!”

Wynter Rudolph

Considering a program like UA Online? Here’s what Wynter recommends.

“I’ve talked to multiple people who are thinking about applying to a UA Online program, and most of them are a bit nervous about if the program will be too difficult for them. To that, I tell people: don’t focus on how difficult a challenge might be, focus on what the outcome will be. Once you graduate from UA Online, you’ll be prepared to seek out your dream job and be able to do what you love. Don’t be afraid to chase those dreams.”

Wynter Rudolph

Chase your dreams with the help of UA Online—click here to apply and learn more.

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Nathan Watson
Nathan Watson

Senior Content Producer + Photographer

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