This local preschool offers something special—find out what + enroll

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pupils 2 This local preschool offers something special—find out what + enroll
Sweet reads with sweet kids. Photo via Asbury UMC

Seeking a childcare center/preschool that provides your little one with safety, education and happiness? Find out why C.A.S.A. at Asbury United Methodist Church should be on your radar. Enrollment info here.

About C.A.S.A. Day School

Asbury, CASA Day School

Teachers at C.A.S.A. teach kids important must-knows. Photo via Asbury UMC

C.A.S.A. (Children Are Special at Asbury) is a Mother’s Day Out, Preschool and Pre-K program located in Shelby County that’s designed for children ages two months to five years.

As an extension of ministry of Asbury United Methodist Church, each child enrolled at C.A.S.A. receives love and care from experienced professionals who put God and His Children first.

“I started working at C.A.S.A. after my youngest child went to Kindergarten as a way to fill my time. It quickly turned in to so much more. My ‘C.A.S.A. Kids’ fill each of my days with the gifts of laughter, love and a genuine curiosity for the world around them.

In return, I am truly blessed to help them grow intellectually while teaching them about friendship and kindness and the light and love of Jesus.”  

Karen Crichton, Pre-K Teacher, C.A.S.A. at Asbury United Methodist Church

A look at C.A.S.A.’s preschool curriculum

Asbury, CASA Day School
Kids love hands-on science activities. Photo via Asbury UMC

I remember the excitement and worry of enrolling my daughter in preschool. I also remember the countless questions that zoomed through my head. Will the teacher be nice? Will my daughter like it? Can I handle this? The questions were endless. 

One question that stands out in bold for many parents is this: what is the curriculum?

At C.A.S.A., the curriculum includes all the core elements your preschooler needs to jumpstart their education, like pre-reading, pre-math, social skill development and self-esteem promotion.

Asbury, CASA Day School
At C.A.S.A., preschoolers learn basic computer skills. Photo via Asbury UMC

Along with each individual classroom’s curriculum, C.A.S.A. offers six enrichment classes that that help children broaden their horizons and discover new interests. Here’s a peek at what bonus classes are offered:

  • Bible & Missions: all children discover the love of God through stories, crafts, games and songs, as well as engage in hands-on mission work.
  • Computer: ages 3-K5 learn computer skills to enhance fine motor skills and learn problem-solving, letter and number recognition and cognitive reasoning.
  • Movement: in addition to recess, all students participate in Movement where they play games, have free play and dedicated time to get their wiggles out. 
  • Music: all children have the chance to express themselves through singing, dancing and instruments. They even take part in concerts throughout the year. 
  • Spanish: 4-5 year olds learn basic Spanish words and phrases. 
  • Science: Ages 3-5K learn basic science concepts through demonstrations and hands-on activities. 
Asbury, CASA Day School
Kids attend music class and learn to play real instruments at C.A.S.A. Photo via Asbury UMC

As a parent, I was impressed by the list—especially that C.A.S.A. offers a Spanish class. How many of us parents say we want to teach our little one a second language, then after one week, forget all about it? I’m totally guilty of this. So it’s pretty exciting to find a preschool that lets kids explore a whole new language.

Ready to enroll your child at C.A.S.A? Find rates and enrollment instructions here.

After-school activities for the win

Is your kiddo one who likes to do ALL the things? Then you’re probably looking for ways to keep them entertained when the school day ends. So check this out. C.A.S.A. offers after-school activities, so you can keep your little one active and interested.

The best part is that the activities take place at the school. This means:

  • No extra pickups and driving are required.
  • You get extra parental free time. 

Here’s what activities are open for enrollment:

Wondering about early care and after care options? 

Asbury, CASA Day School

Have you seen these kid trolleys? They’re a great way for teachers to give littles a ride to the playground and back. Photo via Asbury UMC

C.A.S.A. offers both. Here are important details about both:

Early Care

When: available 5 days a week | 8-9:30AM
Price: $6
Enroll here

After Care

When: available 5 days a week | 1:30-3:30PM
Price: $6 per hour/child
Enroll here

Bonus: C.A.S.A. also offers drop-in care. This option is great in case you find yourself in need of last-minute (less than 24 hours notice) childcare. And let’s be real, parents, it happens more than we realized would happen going into this whole thing.

More to discover

Asbury, CASA Day School
Are you ready to enroll your child at C.A.S.A? Photo via Asbury UMC

Are you ready to sign up your little one at C.A.S.A? Enrollment is open now.

To learn more about C.A.S.A. at Asbury United Methodist Church, check out their website and follow them on Facebook.

Want to find out more about the ministry behind C.A.S.A? Visit Asbury United Methodist Church’s website and follow them on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.

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