Brokerlord, a brokerage podcast by Derek Waltchack, available now


Derek Waltchack, the host of Brokerlord and founding partner at Shannon Waltchack. Photo courtesy of Shannon Waltchack

Did you know that 90% of commercial brokers in the United States never end up owning real estate properties of their own, despite being experts on the subject? Derek Waltchack, founding partner of Shannon Waltchack, does—so, he reached out to dozens of experts across the country to learn more. Now, he wants to share that knowledge on his new podcast, Brokerlord.

What is Brokerlord?


Brokerlord is an upcoming podcast project by Derek Waltchack, a local commercial real estate broker and developer and founding partner of Shannon Waltchack. Derek is traveling the country to interview successful brokers from each of the 50 states for the podcast.

The goal of the podcast is to educate brokers looking to add rental income to their portfolios—but Brokerlord is not only for brokers. The ideas, advice and concepts are useful in any industry.

The first season will feature 8 episodes with the following dealmakers:

  • Len Shannon, CCIM, Partner at Shannon Waltchack – Birmingham, AL
  • Karen Hutton, President and CEO of Hutton – Chattanooga, TN
  • Marc S. Lippitt, Principal at Unique Properties – Denver, CO
  • Jonathan Rosenberg, Managing Partner/Founder at Levrose Commercial – Scottsdale, AZ
  • David P. Bossy – Former President at Mid-America Development – Chicago, IL
  • Les Callahan, CCIM, President at First Colony Financial– Atlanta, GA
  • Barry Beitler – President at Beitler Commercial Realty Services – Los Angeles, CA
  • Bob Cromwell, II, Managing Director at Moody Rambin – Houston, TX

A Conversation with Derek

Derek Waltchack hard at work on Brokerlord. Photo via Brokerlord
Bham Now: What inspired you to launch Brokerlord?

Derek: Len Shannon introduced me to the benefits of property ownership, and what owning real estate from an early age can create for your future. From the start, that’s what Shannon Waltchack has been about—we want to see people invest in real estate. I wanted to create a podcast that teaches people in the business how to find opportunities, identify partners and eventually to own their own real estate properties.

Bham Now: How does Brokerlord fit into the equation?

Derek: I found out that 90% of commercial brokers in the US end up never owning real estate, despite all their knowledge and connections. I decided to reach out 50 to experts I knew, one from each state, and talk about their stories. The best part about Brokerlord is that each of these stories is evergreen—the concepts will be just as relevant five and ten years down the road as they are now.

Bham Now: How did you decide who to include in the podcast?

Derek: I chose dealmakers from each state that started their careers as commercial brokers and went on to make a name for themselves as owners and landlords. In the first episode, I interview my partner Len Shannon—it’s a very interesting origin story for our firm.

Bham Now: Is Brokerlord only applicable to brokers?

Derek: For non-brokers, the podcast includes a lot of common business lessons, so for those people this is a great opportunity to hear tons of industry jargon and familiarize themselves with the concepts. But you don’t have to be interested in real estate to take something away from Brokerlord. Each story is intriguing in and of itself.

Bham Now: What is your end goal for Brokerlord?

Derek: Once I’ve completed all 50 interviews, my ultimate goal is to analyze every recording and compile everyone’s story into a book. I want to identify and outline the common paths that each of the people took from broker to landlord—mistakes, good choices, etc. But overall, I’ll consider Brokerlord a success if, come 10 to 20 years, my listeners own real estate.

Where can I listen to Brokerlord?

“The spirit of helping other brokers own real estate is important and integral to the mission of Shannon Waltchack. I hope that this show will empower thousands of brokers to take their first steps towards ownership.”

Derek Waltchack

Brokerlord is now available to listen to on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and the BrokerLord website.

Which of the eight podcasts are you most excited to listen to? Tag us @bhamnow and let us know!

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Nathan Watson

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