Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event this Saturday, July 25
Reading time: 3 minutes

It’s time to get rid of all that toxic energy in your life, and we’re not just talking about your ex-boyfriend. The Jefferson County Department of Health and other city participants is holding a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Event free to all residents of Jefferson County on Saturday, July 25 from 8AM-11:30AM, or until capacity is met.
Hit me with the WWH 🗑
Even trash is unique in its own ways. The HHW Collection Event provides an opportunity for residents to properly dispose of items that are considered to be hazardous, because of the chemicals they contain or properties they have. Basically, these items definitely shouldn’t be ending up in your trashcan under your sink.
The Jefferson County Department of Health, Storm Water Management Authority, Inc., City of Bessemer and the Jefferson County Commission are offering this free event to all residents. Businesses are not allowed to participate.
- 1205 15th Avenue North Bessemer (Public Works Laydown Yard)
- 940 Main Street Gardendale (First Baptist Church of Gardendale South Campus)
- 7952 Crestwood Blvd., Irondale (Habitat for Humanity/Restore and Alabama Appliance
Despite being an event collecting hazardous waste, dropping off the non-goods requires no mess. Remain in your vehicle with the windows up and place items in the trunk or back of your car. Participants will be accommodated on a first-come-first-served basis.
What even is hazardous waste?
The following items will be collected will be safely transported then properly disposed of or recycled by licensed vendors:
- Aerosol spray cans
- Batteries
- Compact fluorescent bulbs
- Electronics (anything with a cord)
- Fertilizers
- Pesticides
- Herbicides
- Fire extinguishers
- Household cleaners
- Large appliances
- Lawn equipment
- Motor oil
- Vehicle fluids
- Latex and oil paint
- Paper (shredding)
- Propane tanks
- Stains, varnishes, solvents
- Tires
- Used household cooking oil
- Drugs
- Ammunition
Why is it important to get rid of it? 🤔

You know all those beautiful lakes and rivers in Birmingham we love to post on our Insta stories? Next time you take a dip, it’d be better if you came out not glowing green with a third eye.
While that may only happen in cartoons, when you properly dispose of your household hazardous materials you are preventing them from harming the environment by entering our soil, air or water. Waste like this can live in the environment for years and even end up in the food we eat—yikes.