Celebrate United Ability Day with Leah and her family on July 17
Reading time: 4 minutes

On NaTasha Garrett’s worst days, when she needs strength, she looks at her daughter Leah, who cannot speak or crawl, and has a genetic disorder so rare there isn’t a name for it.
On those difficult days, it never fails. Leah will give her mom that sideways look and…giggle.
“I’m like, OK. If she can find joy, I can too,” NaTasha told us
United Ability Day
This summer on July 17, you can bring joy to NaTasha, Leah, and over 5,700 unique individuals and their families when you celebrate United Ability Day with them by purchasing and wearing a custom-designed t-shirt on that special day.
Let us tell you why it matters.
NaTasha and Leah’s Story

NaTasha is no stranger to United Ability.
Her first job in education was more than fourteen years ago, teaching at United Ability’s Hand in Hand. For the past decade, she has worked at the Harris Early Learning Center in downtown Birmingham near the Alabama Power headquarters and in the Birmingham Civil Rights District.
In 2017, NaTasha gave birth to Leah, her third child—all daughters.
Early on, NaTasha noticed Leah was not reaching the usual child development milestones. When she was four months old, Leah wasn’t holding her head up. She shivered a lot.
Her pediatrician was perplexed. At five months, NaTasha, who sensed something was wrong, performed evaluations she had used at Hand in Hand. She knew something had to be done, so they went to Children’s of Alabama for a myriad of tests.
Diagnoses at Children’s

After a long series of tests, X-Rays, and examinations when the doctor came to see NaTasha, she looked like she had seen a ghost. Leah was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that doesn’t have a name.
Her list of ailments included chromosome 16p 12.2 microdelection, schizencephaly, porencephalic cysts, global developmental delay, epilepsy, cortical visual impairment, and asthma. The shivering? Daily seizures.
Bubble of Fun and Super Sweet

Today, despite being nearly three years old, Leah’s motor abilities are that of a 3-month-old infant. She can’t hold her head up independently, the seizures continue and she needs a feeding tube to eat.
She is a bubble of fun and super sweet.
“The minute she was discharged from Children’s, I knew she was going to be at United Ability’s Hand in Hand,” said NaTasha. “I went right back where I started with teaching and that was Hand in Hand.”
United Ability is once again NaTasha’s family, this time not as a teacher but as a parent. The place is so familiar to her. In fact, many of the teachers she worked with in the past are still there.
Most importantly, Leah loves United Ability.
“She loves music big time. I love the fact that she has music therapy at Hand in Hand. Watching her hear music lights up her world. She is happy. She is beyond happy. Just because she has physical limitations doesn’t mean she can’t feel different things around her,” added NaTasha.
United Ability is Family—Celebrate on July 17

The upcoming United Ability Day on July 17th means a great deal to NaTasha and Leah. Purchasing and wearing the shirt supports their entire United Ability family.
NaTasha summed up her feelings best:
“United Ability is family to me. They were years ago, but they are truly, truly family now. I wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world.”
“Leah brightens up our lives. All people with disabilities brighten up our lives. They have a voice. They have a heart. They have hope. They may not be able to tell you. But they have it. They show they have a lot to give.”
United Ability Day and each and every day is a joyous day.
Be a Part of Something Special
Purchase your United Ability Day shirt today. Better yet, organize a team of co-workers, friends, and family to buy shirts by emailing David Barry at dbarry@unitedability.org. Tell him Bham Now sent you.
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