Meet the newest additions to the Birmingham Zoo + support local animal welfare nonprofits today

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Bham Zoo1 Meet the newest additions to the Birmingham Zoo + support local animal welfare nonprofits today
Those quarantine naps just hit different. Photo via Birmingham Zoo

The Birmingham Zoo just welcomed some new(born) additions. We’re celebrating by sharing a preview + letting you know how you can support eight animal rights nonprofits in Birmingham today. Check it out!

Congrats, Mischa!

Birmingham Zoo Pallas’ Cat Kittens 4.20.20 Meet the newest additions to the Birmingham Zoo + support local animal welfare nonprofits today
A sneak peek at the babies! They look pretty cute from here. Photo via Birmingham Zoo

Mischa is the three-year-old Pallas’ cat at the Birmingham Zoo. She recently gave birth to four kittens on April after a 67-day pregnancy. Mischa is a first-time mother and thankfully, she and her four kittens are looking healthy and active.

Pallass Cat Meet the newest additions to the Birmingham Zoo + support local animal welfare nonprofits today
This isn’t Mischa, but this will give you a better idea of what a Pallas’ cat looks like! Photo via ZooPortraits

“We are all very happy for this wonderful news—our first Pallas’ cat kittens in over two decades at the Birmingham Zoo.

Mischa’s litter is significant for the Zoo and crucial for the Pallas’ cat species. We are the only AZA-accredited Zoo in the state of Alabama, and we take pride in being a part of the conservation of wildlife and wild places.”

Chris Pfefferkorn, President & CEO, Birmingham Zoo

There are so many amazing organizations doing important work for animal welfare in Birmingham and beyond. Check out these eight local nonprofits and learn how you can support them today!

1. Birmingham Zoo

2. Greater Birmingham Humane Society

GBHS Meet the newest additions to the Birmingham Zoo + support local animal welfare nonprofits today

3. Shelby Humane Society

4. Kitty Kat Haven

5. Crossing Paths Animal Rescue

6. Alabama Animal Adoption Society

7. Alabama Wildlife Center

8. Alabama Rabbit Rescue

Why it Matters + What We’re Doing

The emergence of COVID-19 has turned our world upside down in recent weeks. Everyone is feeling the effects, and small businesses + local nonprofits are some of the ones getting hit the hardest.

At Bham Now, we ❤️our Birmingham community. We want to do our part to support the people that make our city run, which is why we’re opening our platform to share vital info. If you’re involved with a small business or local nonprofit, fill out one of the forms below and be featured for free on our site.

Over 470 local businesses and over 90 local nonprofits have already signed up, so don’t miss out!

Beth Cunningham
Beth Cunningham

A Birmingham transplant who can usually be found hitting a new hiking trail or restaurant opening when she's not writing stories and snapping photos for Bham Now.

Articles: 348