Week 6: See the Bham Now Team’s favorite social trends + hobbies during quarantine
Reading time: 5 minutes

Bread baking, mask-crafting, waterfall chasing and more—here are some of the social trends and hobbies keeping the Bham Now team entertained druing quarantine.
Surviving Social Distancing: Bham Now Edition
Obviously, our team is incredibly privileged to be able to work remotely during this uncertain and scary time. We know not everyone has that option, and we are incredibly grateful to all of the first responders, nurses, volunteers and more who are continuing to go out and help others despite the dangers and risks they’re facing at this time.
Things are heavy, and we could all use a pick-me-up right now. So here’s another weekly update from the Bham Now team all about the social trends and new hobbies getting them through quarantine.
Cindy | Founder + President

“This is my go-to personal treat after a long day. It only takes 5 minutes and is an immediate mood fix, especially if you’re a dark chocolate addict like me.
You only need these 5 ingredients: butter, Half & Half, cocoa powder, sugar and vanilla extract.”
- Put 1 tbsp of butter in a small saucer. Add a splash of Half & Half—more for a sauce, less for a thicker pudding—and microwave for 20 secs. to melt.
- Add a tablespoon of sugar. Important: Mix well to melt the sugar before adding cocoa. This will keep it from being grainy.
- Add your favorite cocoa powder. I use unsweetened Scharffen Berger. It can be hard to find so I mail order it. As an amateur lifelong chocolate taster, it is the best!
- Mix until smooth. Usually, a couple of minutes or until your arm starts to ache.
- Add a splash of real Vanilla extract. If you’re feeling festive, top it off with a little whipped cream. Enjoy your delectable treat!
Hannah | Content Producer
“I’ve picked up a few new and old projects since the start of social distancing. Macrame, baking and sketching have been a few of my favorite hobbies. I’m still working on perfecting my square knot and lemon bread, but it’s been fun and they’ve provided a much-needed distraction.
Also, Tik Tok. Love Tik Tok.”
Beth | Content Producer
“I’ve pretty much tried all the trends at this point… bread baking, cross-stitching, home workouts, closet clean-outs, etc. The one I’ve been enjoying the most is taking cheap (or free) furniture and re-doing it!
So far I’ve done a desk, a bookshelf, and a side table. Do I have anywhere to put all of this furniture? Not currently. Will that stop me? Definitely not.”
Chaise | Content Producer

“Successfully baking banana bread for the first time has been a highlight of quarantine. You honestly just have to find joy in the little things. As for the tie-dye sweats I have in the wash, I guess we’ll have to see how those turn out.”
Pat | Content Producer

“My favorite trend over the past few weeks has been watching my wife Kathy cranking out 20-25 face masks a day. In total, she has made approximately 300 masks in 2 weeks and a half – ALL DONATED.
We are part of the Bham Face Mask movement, which has made over 40,000 masks in 3 weeks! Let me be very clear – Kathy is my HERO!“
Patience | Content Producer
“Laura Clery’s Pamela Pupkin quarantine workout videos are THE best quarantine entertainment ever. They’re upbeat and hilarious.”
Matthew | Multimedia Producer
“My favorite social media trend has been the IG live DJ sets from Diplo. Good tunes make tough and confusing times alright.”
Jacob Blankenship | Content Producer

“My hobby is chasing waterfalls.”
Sheila | Content Producer
“I’ve been withholding from posting my senior photo ‘in honor of the class of 2020’ because I just don’t see how that’s honoring the class of 2020 in the least. I saw a funny comment that said, ‘Posting your senior photo in honor of the class of 2020 is like posting a photo of your house in honor of homeless people.’ LOL and ouch!
Anyhoo, I AM participating in the 30 day song challenge with some mom friends of mine on social media. Maybe you’ve seen this one floating around on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/DirtyThurty/
As for Tik Tock dances, I’d LOVE to learn the choreography from ‘We’re All in this Together’ from High School Musical, but alas, I have 3 left feet.”
Sharron | Content Producer

“Our family has been baking all the things: bread (see above), lemon squares, elephant ears, chocolate cake, chocolate chip cookies. My kids even made a turtle-shaped bread with melted chocolate chips for icing. Tomorrow we’ll bake some challah. Yum.
Also, inspired by Chef Jose Andres, who I discovered thanks to Jones Valley Teaching Farm’s Amanda Storey, we’ve been cooking up a storm. If you haven’t seen his #RecipesForThePeople videos, I can pretty much guarantee you’ve been cooking all wrong your whole life. Watch him and see what I mean. Doesn’t he make the kitchen look like the most fun place in the world?”