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Birmingham bunnies hop to the occasion
Birmingham, beer and bunnies have a lot more in common with each other than you might think. To see how, I sat down with Connie Cowan from the Alabama Rabbit Rescue at their event “Brews for Bunnies” — hosted by TrimTab Brewery.
If any of those three words above interest you, keep reading to learn more about the local nonprofit.
In the beginning there was one Birmingham bunny
Connie, founder and chapter manager of the Alabama Rabbit Rescue, was always a cat person. But one day her daughter introduced her to a rabbit named Mopsy and the rest is history.
In 2016 Connie founded the Alabama Rabbit Rescue and opened up a sanctuary for abandoned or neglected bunnies. It’s a chapter of House Rabbit Society, or HRS, whose mission is to educate, rehabilitate and spread a positive bunny message.
“We sold the lake house and bought the bunny house.”
Connie Cowan
The rescue does a lot more than provide adoptable rabbits. They offer:
- Bunny speed dating — it’s as cute as it sounds ! This allows two buns to meet each other and become acquainted so they can live harmoniously together in a new home.
- Boarding
- Complimentary nail trimmings
- Education on everything you need to ensure a happy, healthy relationship with your new pet.
More than four giant feet and a cotton ball tail
These little guys don’t spend all their time at the bar — they’re also active in the community! They’ve made appearances at The Homewood Public Library and have special visitors like the Girl Scouts.
“My friend, that’s my mentor, she said, ‘Connie you’re stepping out on a hop and prayer’”
Connie Cowan
Bunnies are smart! They know their name, can be litter box trained and become great therapy animals with the right care and attention. One of the most important parts of owning a bunny is making sure you spay and neuter them — a service included in the adoption fee!
Birmingham bunnies want to meet you!
With the holidays on the horizon, it’s so tempting to see one of these butterballs and think they’d make a great gift. However, Connie warns it’s at least a decade commitment.
Adopting from the Alabama Rabbit Rescue, requires you to fill out an application, in addition to having some one-on-one time with the rabbit. While their fragile bodies don’t make great pets for small children, these guys are perfect in the right home willing to make the effort.
Before you add “bunny” to your Christmas list, there are a few ways to decide if the commitment is right for you.
- Volunteer: These Birmingham bunnies can always use extra help. You’ll be paid in cuddles and great Snapchat material. Fill out an application here.
- Foster: It’s like renting your house out as an Airbnb, but to a bunny. Check out everything it involves, plus the application requirements.
- Bunny 101: If they offered this course in college I would’ve failed just to take it twice. The best way to know if you’re ready for a little bun is to educate yourself ! Set up an appointment with the rescue or attend one of the events where you can chat with seasoned bunny owners.
Need more bunny content in your life?
Who wouldn’t want to add more Birmingham bunnies to their feed? Follow @AlabamaRabbitRescue on Facebook and Instagram.
To learn more about the nonprofit check out their website here or email them at
To support the bunnies you can pledge money here or donate items such as paper towels, white vinegar, Sprouts gift cards, newspaper, and Tractor Supply gift cards.