Check out these 5 micro-retail shops around Birmingham, including Sozo Trading Co.

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26171422 1920499708212572 7577599968364188042 o Check out these 5 micro-retail shops around Birmingham, including Sozo Trading Co.
In addition to their own merchandise, Sozo sells goods from 24 individual retailers. Photo via Sozo Trading Co

Have you heard about the growing micro-retail trend? Inside a micro-retail space, multiple vendors display their products. So, imagine a mini-mall. Birmingham has several micro-retail shops with a wide variety of products. Check them out!

1. Hanna Antique Mall

  • Address: 2424 7th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35233
  • Hours: Monday–Saturday, 10AM–5PM

Fun fact: Hanna Antiques is Birmingham’s oldest antique mall! With two floors and 27,000 square-feet of space, Hanna Antiques has something for everyone. For instance, if you’re looking for antique furniture, rugs, jewelry, books, or fashion accessories, Hanna Antiques has a little bit of everything.

High Point Climbing

2. Urban Suburban

crw 1600h 1000a cc Check out these 5 micro-retail shops around Birmingham, including Sozo Trading Co.
If you know me, you know I love records! It’s so fun to browse through the LP’s at Urban Suburban. Photo via Urban Suburban
  • Address: 5514 Crestwood Blvd, Birmingham, AL 35212
  • Hours: Monday–Saturday, 10AM–5:30PM; Sunday, 1PM–5:30PM

Urban Suburban is a wonderful mix of antiques, art, collectables, vintage clothing, jewelry and home decor. In fact, they have 65 unique vendors, all under one roof!

3. ORE Mercantile

Jon Tubbs, founder of ORE Mercantile. Photo via Nathan Watson for BhamNow
  • Address: 4414 4th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35222
  • Opening date: November 9, 11AM

At ORE Mercantile, you can find some of Birmingham’s favorite local shops. In addition to their own merchandise, ORE Mercantile has vendors such as:

4. Sozo Trading Co.

Sozo Trading, a micro-retail shop
New and vintage good for sale at this vendor. Photo via Sozo Trading Co
  • Address: 4 41st St S, Birmingham, AL 35222
  • Hours: Monday–Saturday, 10AM–6PM

Sozo Trading Co. specializes in upscale thrift items and merchandise from Uganda. Additionally, proceeds help support Sozo Children, which provides education, nutrition and medical care to more than 120 children in Uganda.

In addition to their own merchandise, Sozo Trading Co. leases 24 booth spaces to local vendors. You never know what you’ll find!

5. Irondale Pickers

  • Address: 5401 Beacon Dr, Irondale, AL 35210
  • Hours: Monday–Saturday, 10AM–6PM; Sunday, 1PM–6PM

Since Irondale Pickers was my first introduction to the world of micro-retail, I may be a bit biased. Inside a massive campus that used to be a retail store, Irondale Pickers has row after row of unique vendors. For instance, a booth with antique furniture is right next to a booth dedicated to vinyl records. In fact, there are more than 400 vendors to choose from. Certainly, there is something for everyone–including you!

Who did we miss? Let us know your favorite micro-retail store by tagging @bhamnow

Nathan Watson
Nathan Watson

Senior Content Producer + Photographer

Articles: 1166