October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. 5 reasons to support King’s Home

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King’s Home residents. Photo via Facebook.

Since October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Birmingham recognizes the efforts of King’s Home to help victims of domestic violence. Furthermore, learn how you can help the mission of King’s Home.

Domestic Violence in Alabama

  • 80% of domestic violence victims in 2017 were female.
  • Nearly one in four domestic violence cases involve a child witness. Additionally, 30-60% of domestic violence perpetrators abuse children in the household.
  • Due to reasons stemming from abuse, between 21-60% of victims of domestic violence lose their jobs.

1) King’s Home is one of the best resources for victims of domestic violence

King’s Home is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to providing aid to abused youth, moms, and children fleeing domestic violence. In addition to providing a safe space, King’s Home helps residents heal, build healthy relationships and become independent, productive members of the community.

2) King’s Home offers long-term care

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King’s Home Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) Program seeks to provide nurturing, Christ-Centered homes to children ranging in age from 6 to 18. Photo via King’s Home.

King’s Home is not a short-term shelter, it is a long-term solution.

Since King’s Home operates 22 Christ-centered homes in four counties, they are able to help residents throughout Alabama. Although most shelters are usually 30-60 days, King’s Home is one of the few with long term care. In order to get back on their feet, residents can stay as long as 2 years.

3) King’s Home helps residents get back on their feet

In order to help their residents get back on their feet, King’s Home offers much more than just a place to stay. In addition to providing shelter, King’s Home offers a variety of services, such as:

  • Counseling (individual, family, and group)
  • Parent training
  • Tutoring
  • Teaching social, academic, and basic living skills
  • College and career planning

4) Prodigal Pottery gives women a step up

Prodigal Pottery helps women of King's Home
Women of Prodigal Pottery make each piece by hand. Photo submitted.

One of the best programs at King’s Home is Prodigal Pottery. Since Prodigal Pottery is staffed by residents of King’s Home, each piece of pottery has a special meaning.

  • Firstly, the pottery is handmade by women at King’s Home.
  • In addition to financial compensation, the women at Prodigal Pottery benefit through financial training, professional skills, and assistance in getting back on their feet

5) King’s Home supports foster families

In order to help Alabama’s 6,000+ foster children find their forever homes, King’s Home’s Therapeutic Foster Care program helps foster children and their foster parents succeed:

  • 12-week pre-service training
  • Ongoing in-home support
  • 24/7 emergency support
  • Tax-free financial support of food, clothing, and other necessities
  • Respite breaks
  • Networks of caring professionals
  • Spiritual support

How to support King’s Home during Domestic Violence Awareness Month

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King’s Thrift. Photo via King’s Home.

In addition to shopping at King’s Home Thrift Stores and Prodigal Pottery, you can support the mission of King’s Home a number of ways.

How will you help King’s Home during Domestic Violence Awareness Month? Let us know by tagging @BhamNow !

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Nathan Watson
Nathan Watson

Senior Content Producer + Photographer

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