Barbara Wheeler reveals her No.1 tip to selling your home and shares her experience joining ARC Realty’s Gallery Brokers office
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We caught up with local real estate expert, Barbara Wheeler, to discuss working at ARC Realty’s Gallery Brokers Office. With nearly 40 years of experience helping families buy and sell homes in Birmingham, Barbara offers her advice on impressing potential homebuyers and how to know when a house is ‘the one’.

As I arrived at ARC Realty Gallery Broker’s Office, based in Mountain Brook Village, the first thing I noticed was the cute stable door halfway open, then the artwork on the walls and lots of comfortable looking sofas and chairs. Quite unlike any realty office I’ve been to before.
I had an opportunity to ask Barbara Wheeler about working here and what she’s learned about selling and buying property during her successful career.
An interview with Barbara Wheeler

Bham Now: Tell us about joining ARC Realty’s Gallery Brokers Office
Barbara Wheeler: I’ve been in real estate for almost 40 years. I was with my previous company for 24 years and finished 2018 as number one single agent, however, I was at a point in my career where I wanted to change things up and I recently joined ARC Realty.

It’s been a big transition – but so much fun! The Gallery Brokers office is a new concept for me. I’d been used to having my own traditional office – but the co-sharing nature of this environment is different and I enjoy working in the thriving team environment .

It’s a very calming space for agents and for clients. The subtle lighting and music, the decor and the comfortable furniture gives it a vibe that feels more like a cross between visiting a gallery and a spa!

We’re based in Mountain Brook Village but we serve the whole Birmingham area.
Bham Now: What do you like to showcase about the area for buyers considering moving to Birmingham?

Barbara Wheeler: There’s just so much to do! I love the Botanical Gardens – it’s such a serene place to take family and friends for a walk, and it’s free. The Birmingham Zoo is constantly expanding and gets better each year.
If you like the outdoors, Red Mountain Park, Oak Mountain State Park and Ruffner Mountain are great and there’s also lots of dog parks in the area.
We’re probably one of the best restaurant cities in the south, maybe in the country.

Regions Field is a credit to Birmingham and it’s always fun going downtown to see a Barons baseball game.
Bham Now: What’s your top tip to selling a home?

Barbara Wheeler: Two words…curb appeal. Make sure the outside of your home reflects what people will find on the inside. If it’s not pretty outside, buyers will be wondering what hasn’t been done inside.
If you have a front door or trim where paint is peeling off – this will put off potential buyers before they’ve even walked in. Invest in the outside too and spruce up the approach to the front door with some nice plants and flower pots.
Bham Now: How do you know if a house is the right one for a buyer?

Barbara Wheeler: After showing a few homes I’ll usually know what a buyer wants and they will understand what can realistically be expected within their price range.
If a buyer is between decisions, a question I often ask is “If I call you tomorrow and tell you the property has sold, will you be sad that you missed out?”. If the answer is ‘yes’, that’s when we probably need to consider an offer. If the answer is along the lines of “something else will pop up”, that emotional attachment to the house isn’t there and we should keep looking.
Check out these listings at ARC Realty’s Gallery Brokers
This 4 bedroom / 4 bathroom home at 318 La Prado Circle, Homewood, was gutted in 2001-02. Click to see the full listing which highlights it’s wonderful inside features, yard, screened porch and a large 2 car garage with potential for future guest cottage above. Price: $979,900
This 3 bedroom / 3 ½ bathroom Hollywood home is within walking distance to Shades Cahaba Elementary School. Click to see the full listing for the property which has a new roof, flat backyard in pristine shape, 2 car garage and carriage house inc. a full kitchen/bathroom. Price: $574,900.
ARC Realty’s Gallery Brokers Office

Location: 2718 Cahaba Road, Mountain Brook Village, Mountain Brook, AL 35223
Contact: (205) 969-8910
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