Organized garage = happy Summer. Closets by Design’s 4 steps to your dream garage.

Reading time: 4 minutes


Closets by Design dream garage with awesome places to hang your bikes.
Ahhh, everything in its place. Photo from Closets by Design

Now that Summer’s here, Closets by Design has a feeling you might be thinking about your dream garage. Aren’t you wishing you’d cleaned out your garage back in the Spring?

If your Summer looks anything like mine, there’s lots of biking, camping, day trips and plenty of  wet, sandy laundry. There may or may not be some gardening—or at least some yard work—and a home repair project or two. All that can make for a pretty messy garage, and some stress trying to get out of the house.

So let’s say you decide it’s time to tackle the garage and bring some order to the chaos. Here’s what Closets by Design of Central Alabama recommends:

1. Marie Kondo is your friend

If you haven’t heard of Marie Kondo, you need to. She’s the Japanese queen of tidying up, and has inspired countless people to hold each of their belongings and ask themselves “does this spark joy?” You can watch a top ten takeaways reel from her Netflix series above (thank you, Today Show) and get the idea. Then grab something cold to drink and head out to your garage and get busy. What are you waiting for?

2. To get one step closer to your Closets by Design dream garage, donate to Birmingham area thrift stores

King's Home Thrift store is the perfect place to donate things as you get one step closer to your Closets by Design dream closet.
King’s Home Thrift Stores are one option for where you can donate your things. Photo from Facebook

Once you’ve realized just how many of the things currently cluttering your garage don’t actually spark joy, your next job is to find them a home. I personally subscribe to the philosophy of blessing someone else with them. The easiest way to do this is to head to your nearest thrift store. One of Bham Now’s faves is King’s Home, but you can take your pick. Bham Now came up with a list of local thrift stores here.

Yes, you can have a garage sale. Maybe you’re the type of person that wants to take on that project. If so, rock on with your bad self. For the rest of us, that’s just another way to procrastinate, and months later, that stuff will still be cluttering up wherever we moved it.

3. Be sure to dispose of hazardous waste properly

The Cahaba Lilies thank you for disposing of household hazardous waste properly.
Why would anyone dump old paint or oil down the drain knowing it ends up in stunningly beautiful places like this stand of Cahaba Lilies down in West Blocton, Alabama? Photo by Sharron Swain for Bham Now

Since we’re talking about the garage here, we have a feeling you may have a few old paint cans, goopy oil cans, or other household hazardous waste. If you don’t, read on and have pity for those of us who do. But if you do, make sure you dispose of that waste properly. Our rivers, lakes and all the things that live and play in them will thank you.

4. Closets by Design can design and build your dream garage just the way you want it

Closets by Design can design and build your dream garage.
Finally, a place for all the things. Photo from Closets by Design

Now, once you’ve whittled your belongings down to the things that truly spark joy, it’s time to think about making a home for all the things so you don’t get into this mess again. Hammocks and sleeping bags, check. Ball sports gear, check. Bikes and helmets, check. Tools and lawnmower for yardwork . . . you get the idea. Imagine having a home for all that stuff.

Serenity now.

If this is your dream, give Closets by Design of Central Alabama a call at 205-777-4000. Not only will they help you make that dream come true, but they’ll design and build it just the way you like it.

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Sharron Swain
Sharron Swain

Writer, Interviewer + Adventurer | Telling stories to make a difference

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